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A hot bath burns calories and lowers sugar


Source: T + l


Hot bathroom is helpful. Photo:

Scientists from Loughborough University conducted a study and proved that relaxing in a hot bath is just as good for the body as the 30-minute walk.

It turned out, in order to lose weight, not necessarily torture yourself with daily workouts on a stationary bike. Scientists conducted a study that compared hot baths, walks, and workouts on a stationary bike.

The study involved 10 volunteers. On the first day they took a bath for an hour with a water temperature of about 40 degrees. On the second day, volunteers were engaged on exercise bikes. On the third, we walked. It turned out that a hot bath not only burns more 100-120 calories, but also lowers blood sugar levels by approximately 10%. This is due to the fact that hot water stimulates the release of heat shock proteins. They help to reduce sugar levels due to improved glucose uptake control.

Scientists hope that this method will help people with type 2 diabetes to reduce sugar levels when playing sports is not possible.

In addition, passive heating reduces various inflammations and prevents diseases of the cardiovascular system.

In the 2015 year in Finland, scientists have already conducted a study in which they studied the effects of passive heating on the body, and, although the term itself appeared relatively recently, the method has been used for a long time. Many doctors recommend visiting the sauna to restore health.

A walk for half an hour also burns about 100-120 calories, but occupations on a stationary bike will not replace a walk or a bath, alas. But if you have a hard day and you have no strength left for active training, take a bath, this is useful not only for physical health, but also for psychological.

Although in itself a hot bath is harmless enough, but still there are certain contraindications. Categorically can not be pregnant, as well as women during critical days. In addition, the restrictions apply to those who already have heart disease, with problems associated with high or low blood pressure, with elevated body temperature, mastopathy, epilepsy and myoma.

While taking baths for weight loss, the subcutaneous tissue is heated with the vessels in it expanding, which leads to the mobilization of fat. To increase the activity of this process, you can add a light massage to the bath.

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