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This season's trendy jeans guide


ForumDaily Woman

It is difficult to imagine our life without such an important item of clothing as jeans. Many believe that Levi Strauss invented jeans, but Jacob Davis in fact invented them. Davis was engaged in repairing clothes for the miners. He came up with the idea of ​​strengthening jeans with rivets and formed a traditional image of jeans with pockets and pants.

It would seem - jeans, regular pants, but designers every year come up with something new. Boyfriends, skinny, jeans with different height of the waist, with pockets, without, with inserts of lace, pipes, flared - can be a long list. Today we consider only those models that are fashionable this season.

1. Wide cuffs. And although it seems to me personally that tucked up jeans have not been out of fashion for a long time, stylists recommend this season to tuck them even higher and show not only sandals or sneakers, but also beautiful ankles.

2. Casually trimmed edges. "As if she cut off with dull scissors." This year - the edge of your jeans farther from the ideal - the better. You can even cut and thread yourself. It looks, of course, sloppy, but stylists recommend wearing such jeans with heels. It will be beautiful. Another squeak - trim the front shorter, longer behind. The difference should be noticeable - a couple of centimeters.

3. Overseas. Clothes that are a couple of sizes larger, firmly in fashion. In this case it concerns not only trousers, but also a denim jacket. Take it away from an older brother or a beloved man, preferably shabby. Now many brands offer just such.

4. Denim trench. If you have not found a denim jacket - look for a trench coat. They are also fashionable this year. Perfect for cool spring and summer evenings.

5. Denim items with embroidery. Embroidery on jeans has not gone out of fashion for 50 years. If one of your hobbies is cross-stitching, then feel free to apply your favorite pattern to your favorite jeans or a denim shirt.

6. Jeans color beige. Or nude, which is wildly popular this season. Only neat with shoes. It should be a couple of tones darker than the jeans themselves. If you do not like beige - wear white, they are also in fashion this year.

7. Dress shirt. The style itself has long been in fashion, but this year the stylists recommend a dress-shirt made of denim. With embroidery, torn edges and a couple more sizes. With sneakers - quite wonderful.

8. Jeans overalls and suits. These were worn back in 90-x, a top with jeans or jeans with a denim shirt. This season, classic denim jackets are combined with a midi or mini skirt.

9. Denim shoes. Sneakers, shoes, mules, sandals - everything is in use. From denim, you can now find jackboots, boots and boots.

10. Denim bags. Denim accessories have already gone through their history from backpacks to huge shopper bags. This year, stylists recommend small denim bags, over the shoulder.

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