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Where is the premonition? Psychologists reveal the secret of intuition


Source: Nautil US


Previously, scientists have never considered intuition as an object of scientific research. Nobody tried to find out where, in what part of the body, the so-called "sixth sense" or foreboding originates. And why one person very clearly and tangibly perceives intuition, while the other person absolutely does not feel it.

Psychologists do not consider intuition as extrasensory abilities, but try to give an explanation to the intuitive sense that sometimes comes from the depths of the universal mind.

Experts have divided the intuition of non-4 parts. One of them is tied to trust in relation to a person or an event. Our intuition in this case is based only on the detailed analytical work of the brain. Our brain receives signals through all the senses, then this information is analyzed, processed and formed our primary attitude to man. Sometimes we are not aware of the danger posed by a person, but the brain caught barely noticeable signals in gestures, in a voice in a smell, and the subconscious mind gives us alarms. Another thing is how we perceive these signals.

Experts do not advise to completely turn off the rational knowledge of the world, but to compare what the "sixth sense" tells you with real events and the state of affairs.

Another problem is that intuition refers to the fear of new events or actions, and here too there is a very thin line between the rational miscalculation of actions and the analytical work of the brain.

Research Norwegian psychologist Karl Halvor Teigen, professor emeritus at the University of Oslo, shows that our intuition is rather a subjective way of perceiving information. According to him, a person who more often relies on intuition and his own luck, more often achieves success. But only if he maintains a sober rational thinking. In his examples, people who relied on the “sixth sense” most of the time were more susceptible to engaging in gambling and other scams.

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