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Sparkling mineral water: truth and myths about the dangers to health


Source: Glamour

People are divided into two types: those who adore gas water, and those who hate it, considering it harmful. In this article, we will discuss how true the myths about the dangers and benefits of soda are.

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An amazing thing: many people are happy to drink a can or two of cola, but they do not like regular sparkling water, writes Glamour. The latter is surrounded by many myths that have appeared thanks to her sweet "brothers". In the case of the latter, the lack of benefit is obvious, but simple water with gas is often unfairly mixed into them. We decided to figure out whether sparkling water was really so bad, and remembered the most common myths about it, to debunk them once and for all.

Sparkling water destroys teeth

Water cannot harm your teeth in any way. The myth has arisen from the fact that the origin of water affects the level of its acidity (pH). For example, in spring water, the pH is at 7,4 (neutral), while the same indicator in soda balances around 5, which already corresponds to acidic liquids. In general, dentists agree that carbonated water is more acidic than regular water, but that doesn't mean it can harm your teeth. Keep in mind that this is plain water, not sugary sodas. They just lead to caries and destroy the enamel.

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The higher the acidity, the nominally more harmful the water. But for you to notice the real harm, you have to drink a ton of soda, cola, or citrus-flavored soda. Yes, taste matters. Citrus flavors contain citric acid, which lowers pH levels and increases potential dental hazards. Cola can be dangerous because of its phosphoric acid content. It is thanks to her that cola is effectively used for descaling. If you like these kinds of drinks, swallow them immediately, do not hold them in your mouth.

This way, you can drink carbonated water without risking your teeth. The only exceptions are people with persistent dry mouth, which occurs with diabetes or chronic snoring. Saliva neutralizes acids and protects teeth. If it is not produced enough and you also drink soda, the enamel will indeed be at risk.

Sparkling water is bad for digestion

If you do not have any health problems, you can safely drink water with gas. Do not be surprised when you have a belching - this is normal, considering that you swallow carbon dioxide bubbles with water. Belching helps to get rid of gas almost completely, but still some of it remains in the stomach, causing slight bloating and flatulence. If you already have such problems, then soda water should be avoided. It is also not recommended for people who suffer from inflammatory diseases or irritable bowel syndrome, which are already accompanied by unwanted gas, pain and other unpleasant symptoms.

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There is also the opposite opinion that carbonated water, on the contrary, is useful for digestion. In principle, if you have low acidity, carbonated water can increase it and contribute to better digestion of food. In addition, CO2 vesicles in soda quickly deliver beneficial substances to the blood, which can be useful for dehydration. Finally, a fact that will appeal to girls who want to lose weight: Japanese scientists have proven that sparkling water reduces hunger and prevents overeating.

Sparkling water hurts bones

This myth arose after a publication showing the connection between Coca-Cola consumption and low bone density in women. In some cases, the negative effect of cola (namely her) on bones has indeed been proven, since the high content of phosphoric acid in the drink neutralizes calcium that is good for bones. Hence - fragility and the development of diseases such as osteoporosis. In another study, American scientists proved that the lack of bone density in adolescents is caused by excessive consumption of Coca-Cola. But the problem is not so much soda as the frequency of its consumption and the level of vitamin D and calcium in your body.

If you suffer from a deficiency of these substances, then excessive consumption of Coca-Cola will aggravate the situation. Therefore, before pampering yourself with a glass of this drink, make sure that your body has enough calcium and vitamin D. And since in Russia, due to the lack of sun, most people are deficient in the latter, the conclusion suggests itself. However, the situation is true for any other drinks, and carbonated water has nothing to do with it. On the contrary, carbonated mineral waters often contain calcium - do not be lazy to find one in your nearest store.


If you do not have specific diseases of the teeth, digestion and bones, then you can safely drink carbonated water if you like it. But with sweet soda, it's better not even to risk it.

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