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Phytoncides instead of expensive drugs - forgotten health recipe


Source: Easy Useful

Plants give us not only healthy food, but also protect against infectious diseases. When a person’s immunity cannot cope with malicious agents, plant immunity comes to the rescue. "Flying landing" in the form of phytoncids helps to disinfect air, food, water. What are phytoncides, what plants do they contain and how best to use them?

Photo: iStock

Why phytoncides are so helpful

Phytoncides are volatile biologically active substances that can suppress the development of pathogenic bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, writes Easy Useful. Phytoncides are necessary for plants for their own protection, it is a plant immunity. The release of volatile compounds increases with damage to the cellular structure, so the smell of onions or garlic becomes most intense when these products are cut. As a result, the number of disease-causing agents in the area of ​​the action of volatile disinfecting substances is sharply reduced.

The term "phytoncides" was introduced into use in the 1928 year. It was proposed by Doctor of Biological Sciences Boris Tokin. The scientist became interested in this topic when he saw how they cooked oriental dishes. He was surprised that in conditions of fairly severe unhygienic conditions, it was possible to avoid an epidemic of intestinal infections. It turns out that the matter was in the ingredients, and as a result Tokin revealed plant products with high disinfecting properties. Tokin's research on the antimicrobial properties of onions and garlic helped put into practice the use of these natural antibiotics in the treatment of infected wounds and intestinal infections in wartime.

Highly active plant substances are now actively used for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases. And in some places, especially in hot climates, and where sanitary standards leave much to be desired, cooking is still traditionally associated with the use of a large amount of spices. They contain volatile production and perform the role of disinfecting components.

How to use phytoncides at home

But even in those cases when everything is in order with purity, phytoncides serve as a good support for immune protection, for example, during the period of seasonal colds. In addition, phytoncides of onion, garlic, spices stimulate the secretion of digestive juices, improve the digestive tract.

Vegetable volatile antibiotics are found in many foods, but not always they can be identified by a sharp smell, like onions and garlic. Phytoncides are also essential oils of fresh carrots and nitrogen-containing compounds from beets. Fruits and berries also contain highly active ingredients. Young grains also have antiseptic properties.

Here are herbal products with a high content of phytoncides:

  • garlic;
  • bow;
  • horseradish;
  • red hot pepper;
  • parsley;
  • celery;
  • beet;
  • carrot.

It should be borne in mind that volatile volatile production is unstable and quickly destroyed by heat treatment, so it makes sense to use fresh products for medicinal purposes.


The cultivation of this plant has a thousand-year history. Garlic bulbs were found in the tomb of Tutankhamen - the pharaoh of ancient Egypt. Medicinal properties of vegetables used in ancient India.

Mechanical damage to garlic cells provokes the release of allicin - phytoncide, a sulfur-containing substance. Sharp garlic odor is harmful for pathogenic bacteria and fungi. The antimicrobial activity of allicin is stored in the stomach and in the blood, which causes the high efficiency of garlic in fighting infections.

For prophylactic purposes, it is recommended to use a pair of teeth a day. Naturally, this is a fresh product. Roasted or pickled garlic will not have this effect.


Onions - one of the many varieties of onions, the most common and popular. It has a pronounced taste and smell, which indicates a high content of active volatile compounds. Sulfur-containing phytoncides of onion, released when cells of this plant are destroyed, are so active that they cause watery eyes. In the old herbalists, there is an instruction to string onions and garlic on a string and hang them in living quarters and places where livestock are kept during “sticky ailments”, that is, infectious diseases.

Like garlic, onions during heat treatment loses its antimicrobial properties, so try to eat it fresh more often.

Liquid essential oils

The source of phytoncides are also essential oils produced industrially from plants. Essential oils of sage, eucalyptus and other conifers are used for inhalation for bronchopulmonary diseases. The mixture of essential oils of various conifers is called turpentine and is used for medicinal purposes to prepare turpentine baths according to the method of Dr. Zalmanov, which have a powerful rejuvenating and healing effect.

Useful walks

Phytoncides can not only be obtained from food or inhaled in the form of essential oils. Long walks in certain places also allow you to breathe phytoncides and strengthen the immune system.

Such plants as eucalyptus, spruce, fir, pine, juniper, cypress, oak, poplar, birch, emit volatile compounds that affect pathogens. Phytoncides of pine are even capable of destroying Koch's wand, the causative agent of tuberculosis. Young pine forest is considered the most effective in terms of air disinfection, therefore tuberculosis hospitals try to locate it in such places.

In the settlements can be found landing juniper. 1 hectare of this coniferous plant, which is approximately equal in size to the football field and 3 tennis courts, can significantly clean the air in a large city. It is good to grow juniper and on a personal plot.

For the maintenance of health, phytoncides of coniferous forests are very useful, so if possible, you should not deny yourself the pleasure of walking along the forest paths, remembering that the lungs are saturated with healing air.

Phytoncides of plants can serve as a worthy addition to the therapy with drugs of many infectious diseases - of course, after consulting a doctor. In addition, it is known that prevention is the best treatment. In this regard, the palm of primacy is in natural products that have been tested for thousands of years, so it is worthwhile to use them wisely when it is really necessary.

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