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Fictitious marriage, true love and a tragic accident: the story of the struggle of Yulia Vysotskaya


Source: StarHit

For 22 years, the fate of the artist has been closely linked with the name of Andrei Konchalovsky. Their relationship is considered ideal, but this does not mean that the couple's history has done without dramas. Since 2013, Yulia Vysotskaya and Konchalovsky have been fighting for the health of Masha's daughter, who fell into a coma after an accident, writes StarHit.

It is hard to believe that Julia Vysotskaya turned 16 on August 47, because she looks much younger than her years. The beauty secret of the actress is sports, healthy food, and sometimes weeks of fasting. The lead's endurance can be envied, in all spheres of life she remains a perfectionist.

For 22 years, the artist has been married to Andrei Konchalovsky, and the spouses have long been perceived as a single whole. Many are jealous of a harmonious couple and wonder how they manage to stay together for so long without being separated either at work or at home. But marriage is the hard work of two people, which cannot be held solely on love. And, of course, separate efforts have to be made in times of crisis.

In relation to Vysotskaya and Konchalovsky, they started talking about this in 2013, when their daughter Masha got into a terrible accident.

The girl was immersed in a superficial coma, then it became known about the slow progress in her condition, but no details and details were reported. Until now, parents hide information about Maria's whereabouts from the press. How did the stars manage to move on after the misfortune and did the daughter's tragedy affect their marriage?

Career in film and television

Julia was born in Novocherkassk, Rostov region, but since her stepfather was a military man, she did not stay in the city for a long time. All of Vysotskaya's childhood was spent on the road, she changed seven schools in Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan. But no matter where the girl was in, she always told her classmates about one dream - to become an actress. When a creative studio was opened at the Russian Drama Theater in Baku, the future artist immediately went to audition.

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“I was in the know and the next day I asked how everything went,” Vysotskaya's teacher told StarHit. “You know, Elza Yunusovna, they asked everyone for so long, asked to sing, dance, and they took me almost on the move,” Julia said in frustration. To which I replied: “You just saw the ability right away. Rejoice! "

The aspiring actress was not distinguished by self-confidence: she was afraid to enter Moscow institutes after school, so she applied to the Belarusian Academy of Arts in Minsk. Having brilliantly graduated from the university, Vysotskaya received an invitation to the local theater, but according to the law, she could only be hired if she had the citizenship of the country. Her classmate Anatoly Kot helped the girl settle bureaucratic issues.

“To obtain citizenship, the easiest way was to marry someone from Minsk. We knew each other well, were friends. And I did not see a problem in helping her, "explained the Cat.

The fictitious marriage opened the way for Julia to the theater stage, and soon she was already playing Mona in The Nameless Star and Alison in the play Look Back in Anger. But the first roles in the movie did not bring the actress popularity: the films "To Go and Not to Return", "Bewitched" and "Play of the Imagination" passed by the audience.

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Vysotskaya's career soared up after taking part in Andrei Konchalovsky's film "House of Fools". For the image of the crazy Jeanne, the artist was awarded the prize "For the best female role" at the festival "Vivat, Cinema of Russia!" Since then, the star has mainly starred in the films of Konchalovsky: "Gloss", "Paradise", "Sin". In addition, since 2004, Julia moved to the Mossovet Theater.

Vysotskaya's talents were not limited to the acting profession: the star launched the Eat at Home culinary show, wrote several books with recipes, and opened a chain of restaurants.

The promotion of proper nutrition became a part of the artist's life: her experts gave lectures on healthy food, and special gastronomic tours across European countries appeared. Julia's toned figure is the best advertisement for a healthy lifestyle for fans.

Bad romance and meeting the love of a lifetime

Although after graduation, Vysotskaya married for the sake of Belarusian citizenship for Anatoly Kot, her romantic relationship was connected not with him, but with the artist Igor Sidorenko. For six whole years, the lovers were together, but many believed that Igor was not a couple of Julia: the aspiring actor often kissed the bottle, which became the reason for scandals. The fate of Sidorenko was sad: after parting with his chosen one, he went into a binge, then tried to arrange a professional and personal life - he got married, became a father. However, old addictions made themselves felt ...

“Once Igor was on some kind of drunkenness in his native Molodechno. There he was stabbed to death with a stone on the head. The perpetrator was never found, ”said actress Anna Sirotina.

The tragedy occurred a couple of years after Yulia's breakup with Sidorenko, but she did not appear at the funeral of the former elect. It was rumored that the actress chose to forget about the past as soon as she met Andrei Konchalovsky.

The venerable director had a huge list of women; at the time of his acquaintance with Vysotskaya at Kinotavr in 1996, he was married for the fourth time, to the announcer Irina Martynova. However, later both the playwright and the actress admitted: they were seized by love at first sight. Unable to tear themselves away from each other, the same evening the director and the artist went to dinner at a restaurant, and after a few days flew to rest in Turkey.

It became obvious that this was not just a resort romance, and the events developed rapidly: a joint working trip to the UK, a hasty divorce from Martynova, Yulia's pregnancy ... Vysotskaya came to the registry office in jeans, no festive ceremony followed, and was it important? The only thing that confused the bride's relatives was the big age difference with the director - 36 years. Andrei Sergeevich noted that the actress's grandfather even cried when he learned that the granddaughter was not marrying Yegor Konchalovsky.

The worries of loved ones were in vain: for the director, Julia became both a lover, a muse, and a best friend.

“I don't think I have fully recognized Yulia yet, but I still know her since the age of five. All her conditions: a girl, a teenager, a girl, a young woman and, finally, the mother of my two children - they all stand before my eyes. And this knowledge is not of individual aspects of the personality, but all-embracing - what I can call today love, ”Konchalovsky reasoned after 20 years of marriage.

Tragic accident and years of struggle

Unfortunately, this ideal love story was not without tragic events. The couple had children, Maria and Peter, and until 2013, the news about the heirs of the stars was extremely good. Like a bolt from the blue, the news sounded that Andrei Konchalovsky and his daughter were in an accident.

In France the Mercedes rented by the director was driven into the oncoming lane, and he collided head-on with another car. Konchalovsky was not injured, but 14-year-old Masha, who did not fasten her seat belt, received a serious head injury. The girl was urgently taken to the Marseille hospital and plunged into a drug-induced coma.

There were conflicting rumors about Maria's well-being, and her parents did their best to protect her from the attention of the press.

“The state of coma is ambiguous and everyone has a different course. There are times when she is with me, it happens that I do not understand anything. It seems that something is happening that we are very happy about. We are waiting for a repetition, but it is not. But something else happens. Everything goes ... slowly, "the actress briefly commented on the situation two years after the accident.

Is it worth clarifying that the family's life has split into "before" and "after" the accident? Not only the worldview of the spouses has changed, but also their relationship with the world around them: it was not possible to share personal drama, so many friends dropped out. But Nikita Mikhalkov showed himself in the best possible way: in the first months he did not leave his niece's bed, skillfully found words of support for Konchalovsky and Vysotskaya.

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People experience tragedies in different ways: some troubles can unite, others - forever separate from the sides of the barricades. Haters suspected that Yulia could potentially blame her husband, who was driving the car, for what happened to her daughter. However, Vysotskaya proved that this is a delusion.

“Do I blame him? He is a unique person, the artist reasoned. - He's not even a wise man, namely that wise soul. I can hear and understand him well. He influences me greatly. If there was another man around, perhaps I would have behaved differently. Here there is no place for senseless reproaches and the search for feelings of guilt. "

Several years passed, and fans noticed that the couple began to go out together less often. The conclusion suggested itself: misfortune broke the stars, a crisis was brewing in the family, perhaps the couple is on the verge of divorce. As if to spite the haters, the lovers went on a trip to Munich, and got married in January 2019.

Of course, there were also those who considered the sacrament held in the Trinity Cathedral in Pskov as a desperate attempt to rehabilitate a crumbling marriage, but the spouses made it clear that the opinions of others did not bother them much. The director and actress have created their own, separate world, in which there is no place for envious people and spiteful critics, and have long set the main priorities in life.

“My goal is for my daughter to recover,” Konchalovsky emphasized in the Pozner program. - This is the essence of my life and Yulina. And this faith is relentless. "

The original text is published on the portal "StarHit".

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