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Stages of child development: what a child should be able to do in 8 years, and what in 14


Source: Daily Mail

Some parents believe that at eight years old, a child should be able to tie his shoelaces on his own, ride a bicycle perfectly on 7, and already know how to repair this bicycle on his own in 14. He writes about it Daily Mail.

Photo: depositphotos

Recently, a survey was conducted that, according to parents, a child should be able to a certain age. The results showed that despite a fairly clear idea of ​​the abilities and maturity of children, parents often violate the established rules and allow them to do something that is not typical of their age.

Most people believe that 9 is a fairly independent child who can already be given pocket money. And that in 8 years you can already be accustomed to handing things in for washing yourself. In 11-12 you can already have a mobile phone and independently get to and from school. 14 years - enough age to start their own pages on social networks.

Many parents who have children between the ages of two and 18 find that duties and privileges are given to children a little faster than they are supposed to by age.

For example, many moms and moms allow their children to watch movies with 12 + marking alone, and movies with 14 + and 18 + markings make it possible to watch 16 year olds.

So, mini stages. What your child can do on their own at different ages.

7 years:
-ride a bike
- keep balance when walking on a thin and long object
- classify objects and be able to build a logical chain

8 years:
-tie shoelaces
- fold your own clothes for the wash
- brush your teeth without reminder
- goes to bed at 8 pm

9 years:
- set the table for dinner
- receive pocket money
- take a bath or shower without assistance

10 years:
- knows how to lay out dishes in places
- take care of your school uniform yourself
- does not lose personal belongings
- understands the value of his property
- independently chooses clothes
- accepts friends with an overnight stay and goes to friends with an overnight stay
- folds clothes neatly before bed
- himself going to leave the house
- goes to bed at 9 pm

11 years:
- knows how to use a tablet
- gets his own TV for use

Photo: depositphotos

12 years:
- goes to school on his own
- uses the Internet
- has its own mobile phone
- plays in a nearby park unattended
- uses a laptop and an MPXNUMX player
- goes to bed at 10 pm

13 years:
- may be at home alone
- independently leaves the house
- independently goes to the store
- makes friends
- has a computer in his room

14 years:
- starts a Facebook page, Snapchat
- walks in the city with friends
- has its own keys to the front doors
- uses WhatsApp
- goes to the cinema with friends

15 years:
- determined with taste preferences in music
- buys clothes on his own
- invites girlfriends and friends to visit
- uses energy drinks

16 years:
- accepts guests at home in the absence of parents
- leaves the house after dark

Statistics compiled My Nametags.

Photo: depositphotos

A spokesman for My Nametags Andersen, who commissioned the study, said:

“The survey simply shows some of the many details of a parent. Of course, each child is different and may be able to do something or take on certain responsibilities later or earlier than our results show. However, it’s fascinating to know when moms and dads usually allow or expect their children to do certain things. ”

The 16 old teenager already has his own friends with whom he can leave the house in the evening or have a party when there are no parents. Not all adolescents can take responsibility for such actions, but most can.

In 15, they can already buy their clothes and choose their favorite music.

Parents are happy when teenagers have their own TVs and computers in their room and quietly trust them to choose TV shows and surf sites on the Internet without supervision. The same goes for social networks.

According to the survey and approximate data on age stages, 29% of parents consider themselves to be more strict than other parents.

Photo: depositphotos

56% claim that many privileges were granted earlier in age than it was supposed to be in stages.

Four out of ten said they felt pressure from other parents to allow their children to do certain things, while half of them argued with their partner about privileges for the child.

Teaching children the value of things and how to avoid loss is what causes most of the problems for parents as their children get older.

Andersen added:
“The survey showed an interesting pattern. The biggest concern for parents is that the child may lose something of value. And at the same time, parents do not expect at all that the 10-year-old will cope with responsibility for his property. ”

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