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If a child does not respond to laughter, his psyche is threatened


Source: Science Daily

The study, the results of which published the portal Science Daily, says that children of school age with signs of psychopathy do not react to the laughter of other people. Schoolchildren who do not have such problems, as a rule, begin to laugh in response.


Psychopathy is a symptom complex, which manifests itself in the form of a reduced ability to empathize with other people, up to a heartless attitude towards them, the mental inability of a person to repent for harm, a tendency to self-centeredness and lies, as well as a reduced emotional level.

Experts from London chose two groups to study. The first was 62 boys 11-16 years, who already showed signs of reduced emotional reactions and responsiveness. In the second group, 30 children were tested without such problems. They all included audio recordings of a person’s natural laughter, deliberate laughter and bitter weeping. The brain activity of the children was monitored by MRI.

It turned out that children with signs of psychopathy showed weak reactions of the brain regions responsible for the emotions and movements of the person. The experts concluded that the natural reaction of these children is lower than that of the others, which means that these children can react negatively to laughter or kindness. These children should be given increased attention and involve psychologists and psychiatrists in their socialization - this will help them grow and communicate normally.

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