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Another Russian singer told about the disease, because of which she left the stage


Source: StarHit

35-year-old Marina Maximova, performing under the pseudonym MakSim, returned to the scene after a long illness. The singer of the hits admitted that her family and health problems knocked her out of the usual rhythm of the artist. Now MakSim is more passionate about the new novel than the work on the albums.

The author of the hits "Tenderness" and "Do You Know" last year announced her temporary leave from the scene, writes StarHit. In July, the disease became known, which forced MakSim to leave the stage for a while - the singer suffered from pains and dizziness, so doctors strongly encouraged her to devote time to restoring her health. “I just realized that I no longer have the moral or physical strength to continue concert activities. I literally finished myself: I needed peace and quiet, ”admitted Marina Maximova.

In addition, she plunged into raising her daughters - nine-year-old Alexandra and three-year-old Mary. The singer said that she had changed a lot, becoming a mother. Now she allows herself to be feminine, puts on once unloved dresses. “I couldn’t even think that the maternal instinct is such a powerful feeling that can frighten you,” shared MakSim.

Marina feels like a happy mother, but her wife did not manage to stay for long. The marriage with the sound engineer Alexey Lugovtsov fell apart four years later. And with the father of the youngest daughter, businessman Anton Petrov, Marina lived only a year. It turned out that the elect had cheated on her during her pregnancy. The star suffered a separation, having fallen into depression for several months. “Marina dreamed of a full-fledged family. But Anton, apparently decided otherwise. He is a good father, helps her with a little Masha. But can you imagine what it is like to share a loved one with another! ”, The familiar singer told StarHit.

However, now MakSim has a white stripe in his life. The singer of hits meets with a boyfriend who gets along well with her children. However, due to the new relationship, Marina is now not as passionate about creativity as she used to be. “In order to directly hit the work, I probably need to divorce again,” the singer laughs. MakSim admitted that she had ceased to keep pace with the pace of work of her colleagues, now it is difficult for her to join the show business. “It all started with the appearance of the first child: I’ve halved the usual 30 touring schedule per month, and everything turned upside down in me,” the singer said. - I suddenly saw that the city was completely different, the people in it also changed. Everything familiar to me at a breakneck pace passed away while I lived in my closed little world, where I did not see anything but endless planes, trains and hotels. ”

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