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Massachusetts sisters set fire to 5-year-old girl for a voodoo ritual


Source: Time

Two sisters from Massachusetts were arrested for brutally bullying a five-year-old girl, from whom they, being adherents of the voodoo cult, "exorcised a demon." Moreover, they did it at the request of the child's mother.

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The girl's eight-year-old brother, to whom the exorcist sisters Peggy La Bossier and Rachel Heeler threatened to cut off her head with a machete, said that the girl was tied up twice, her face was burned, blood was bleeding from her veins and sticking needles in her neck and hands, and also poured a burning liquid into eyes, пишет Time.

As the accused themselves say, they were invited for the ritual by the children's own mother - she works as a hairdresser, and La Bossier came to her to have her hair cut. The girl, according to her mother, did not obey and was capricious, so it was important to expel the demon from her. Previously, both women had already “cleansed” friends and acquaintances with the help of special baths with burning of ritual herbs and oils.

The sisters do not agree with the charges, the other day both of them will be brought to justice. A lawyer provided by the state has not yet commented on the situation.

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