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Experiment: what happens if you sleep on 2 for a week? A PHOTO


Source: Vice

Julian Morgans, Publishing Officer Vice, I decided to follow the example of famous scientists and politicians who slept very little, but had a lot of time. For this, the man went to bed six times a day for one week - the duration of each sleep interval was only 20 minutes (the so-called polyphasic sleep).

As models for imitation, Morgans took the regimes of the day Nikola Tesla and Leonardo da Vinci, who were known to sleep about two hours a day, as well as Margaret Thatcher, who had four hours of sleep. What was the result?


Day 1
It all started quite well. The journalist created a sleep and rest schedule (3 hours of 40 activity minutes, 20 sleep minutes, and so 6 once a day). According to the experimenter, he felt discomfort when he woke up in the middle of the night, and there was an oppressive silence around. The man went to his office, where he made a plan of business for the week - to put in order the tax affairs, buy new socks, add a book and take up the garden.


Day 2
Julian turned to video games designer Charlotte Elett for several years, practicing just such a sleep pattern. According to her, the first two weeks when switching to a new way of life there is a feeling that you are a zombie. But in the future it will become easier, things will work out better, and the mind will become clearer. Well, the experiment has just begun.

Day 3
The suppressed state was growing - according to the experimenter, all days turned into one endless gray day. Philosophical reflections got into my head, Morgans began to think about the meaning of life, the desires of man and the fear of death. However, the day was productive - the man put in order the tax and pension matters, cleaned the house, bought socks and continued working on the book.

Day 4
Morgans began reading books about polyphasic sleep. All of them promised to reorganize the body around 3-5 for a day, after which the person had to wake up rested and cheerful even after 20 minutes of rest. But Julian could not yet boast of such well-being. By this time, he lost his appetite, he became constantly cold, and was also afraid of contact with people.

5 and 6 days
Julian began to get used to the new schedule. But the depressive state intensified. As the journalist admitted, a life in which there is no normal sleep is an existence without brakes. “And after a hard day at work, you won't feel better at night. There is nothing to wait. "

Day 7
Morgans fell ill: the man began to cough violently and dizziness developed. He went to bed and woke up only after 48 hours. As soon as he felt better, the journalist began to think about repeating the experiment, but he did not dare to risk his health. However, Morgans himself found positive moments in his attempt: there was actually more time, and he actually fulfilled almost half of what he had planned.

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