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Pens effect: why successful Americans began to avoid women


Source: Clever

Democratic principles and conservative concepts are intricately intertwined in American society. Both exist in parallel, giving rise to amazing social phenomena. One of them, for example, the movement under the tag #MeToo, has already provoked a mass hysteria among representatives of the American establishment in the form of an inverse and negative trend, called the “Pens effect”.

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“Hollywood Fever”

The American conservative society, in which it is simply impossible to make a bachelor’s political or financial career, exploded in 2017 in a wave of “popular indignation” that followed the public accusation of the harassment of the major Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein, reminds Clever.

Hundreds of American actresses of the "third, fourth, fifth plan" have declared the gross intimate assaults and even rapes that they have suffered in the past during business meetings with this influential movie mogul. Subsequent lawsuits destroyed the once Oscar winner's film business and devastated his financial account. Immediately on social networks and in the news of all US TV channels, messages appeared with the confessions of women, girls, actresses in harassment - and also by influential and wealthy men.

Thousands of people responded with sympathy, confirming this with protest street and network flashmobs under the tag #MeToo. Following the mass unrest began, as filmmakers called, "Hollywood Fever."

Charges of harassment fell on very many famous American screen stars, including such names as actor Kevin Spacey, comedian Louis C. Kay, directors Brett Ratner and James Toback. All existing contracts with these figures of cinema and the scene were broken, the creative life was destroyed, and the presence of any finances is now in question. As for the culprit of the #MeToo movement, to date, only two out of a hundred accusers Harvey Weinstein are left. The rest of the actress at various times admitted that all intimate contact with a loving producer took place by mutual consent. Just the investigators advised the girls to hide from the court these uncomfortable moments. But this is not interesting to ordinary Americans, but representatives of large businesses in the United States are even very important.

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Reverse effect

To date, several US financial journals have reported that the owners of most of the firms and companies on Wall Street, New York, have begun to develop internal rules governing business - communication with female colleagues. Now business lunches, consultations and any instructions cannot be announced to the subordinate in the office alone or with the door closed, if it is a woman, before the age of 35-40. One of the major financial advisers told reporters that he now strongly advises his male clients to sit next to the girls on the plane, much less book a hotel room with them on the same floor. And all this is only for reasons of their own financial security.

Representatives of the American media called this phenomenon the “Penny effect” - in honor of US Vice President Mike Pence, who always publicly stated that he never dined one-on-one with women, except for his own wife.

Thousands of American businessmen now tacitly follow this rule, trying to avoid the fairer sex not only at work, but also after it - in a bar, restaurant or at various social events. They always and everywhere strictly keep their distance from women - no closer than a meter. The "Pence Effect" as a reaction to movement under the #MeToo tag is already yielding negative results. As one of the Washington-based HR specialists told reporters, now hiring girls and young women, especially in rich and large companies, carries certain risks.

Therefore, there are, of course, a tacit and unofficial instruction to select only men for the existing vacancy, even with less work experience and poor education. Because no one can predict how a new employee will one day interpret the words of his boss and which ones will then hire lawyers.

And all this - in the general difficult period of the economic model of business, when all the financiers of the world frantically seek to protect their sources of income from disclosure. And according to American law, this is required to be done at preliminary court hearings, when the corpus delicti is only determined. Not surprisingly, the mass hysteria of the American establishment will only continue.

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