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Food and hormones: how to feel good throughout your menstrual cycle


ForumDaily Woman

The female hormonal system is somewhat like the coast, with ebbs and flows of mood and productivity.

The reasons for the unstable condition lie in the level of female hormones on different days of the cycle. Surges of FSH, estrogen, and progesterone cause an explosion of productivity on some days and a desire to lie down for another minute and eat a chocolate bar on others.

Together with a Russian online pharmacy in the USA USA Pharmacy We have prepared recommendations on how to adjust your diet depending on the phase of the cycle in order to feel good and not succumb to the provocations and whims of female nature.

Photo: USA Pharmacy

What to eat at the beginning of the menstrual cycle

During menstruation, the body loses up to 80 ml of blood, so in the first days of the cycle it is worth including meat, liver, seafood, and leafy vegetables in the diet - these foods are rich in iron. Supplements and foods with antioxidants, such as berries, dark chocolate, green tea, and turmeric, will help relieve pain. It is useful to brew a nettle decoction for pain.

Tea to reduce menstrual pain:

  • Ingredients: nettle, chamomile, lemon balm.
  • Preparation: Mix herbs in equal proportions. Brew 1-2 teaspoons of the mixture in a glass of boiling water. Leave for 15 minutes. Drink 2-3 times a day during menstruation.

Follicular phase and ovulation

After the end of menstruation, the body intensively produces estrogen: energy is in full swing, the world plays with bright colors. During this period, it is useful to eat foods rich in iodine and zinc, primarily seafood and algae. Zinc is present in legumes, red meat and poultry. These microelements will help the egg develop properly in the event of fertilization.

It is also important to include foods rich in Omega-3 (fish, nuts and flax seeds), probiotics (yogurt, kefir) and prebiotics (garlic, onions, bananas) in your diet.

Luteal phase

During this period, activity decreases, and appetite, on the contrary, increases. And here it is important to make sure not to overeat, especially flour, fatty and sweet foods. These products cause a sharp release of insulin and raise testosterone levels, which often affects the appearance: acne, papillomas, and red dots appear on the body.

On the subject: 'These are all hormones': how hormones affect the behavior and health of a woman

To control your appetite, you can divide your diet into 5-6 small meals, paying special attention to foods with a lot of fiber. These are fibrous vegetables and fruits, such as broccoli, zucchini, apples, as well as whole grains and brown rice.

Premenstrual phase

We know this time: depression, swelling on the face, irritability, headaches. During PMS, the levels of progesterone and estrogen drop sharply, and the body prepares for a new cycle. To relieve symptoms, limit your caffeine intake, and ensure your diet has enough magnesium (found in legumes, leafy vegetables, dark chocolate), potassium (bananas, avocados, broccoli), and vitamin B6 (meat, liver, starchy vegetables ).

Herbs can also help ease PMS. Melissa and Valerian have calming properties and help bring your mood under control.

Tea for PMS:

  • Ingredients: lemon balm, valerian, mint.
  • Preparation: Mix equal parts of herbs. Take 1 teaspoon of the mixture per glass of boiling water. Leave for 10 minutes. Drink throughout the day to relieve PMS symptoms.

Vitamins and Supplements

If you eat a varied diet, you already get all the necessary vitamins and minerals from food. However, in winter and spring in many northern latitudes, prices for fresh herbs and fruits may increase. In addition, cold weather leads to a lack of vitamin D. Its deficiency leads to an increase in the duration of the cycle, and due to a lack of iron, there are scanty or, conversely, too heavy menstruation.

Therefore, during this period it is worth thinking about taking additional vitamins, especially group B. Thus, a sufficient amount of vitamin B6 in the body facilitates the course of PMS. You can pay attention to multivitamin complexes designed specifically for women. Also, it would be a good idea to take additional fish oil or omega-3 supplements.

Eating healthy, walking regularly, being active and getting enough sleep all contribute greatly to your overall well-being. And if you are thinking about taking additional vitamins, it is recommended to consult your doctor to select the dosage and composition.

Photo: USA Pharmacy

The site USA Pharmacy you will find a wide range of products to maintain health: preparations with magnesium, vitamin complexes, Omega-3, as well as a large selection of herbs. Shipping is free on orders over $49 and your first order receives a 10% discount. promo code USAAPTEKA10. Want even more discounts? Subscribe to the email newsletter and receive a 10% discount on one of your orders.

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