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Star'I thought I would die ': Lolita Milyavskaya admitted that she was seriously ill


Source: RBC-Ukraine

The famous Russian pop singer with Ukrainian roots Lolita Milyavskaya said that she had suffered a serious illness - by her own admission, the star was on the verge of life and death.


Lolita Milyavskaya reported that in the spring of 2018, she had a very strong pressure, the singer became ill and had to call an ambulance, writes RBC-Ukraine.

“In May, for the first time in my life, the pressure surged so that they called an ambulance. I was very scared. I thought I was going to die. The doctors wrote it off on my nerves. Now I drive valocordin and valerian everywhere, ”said Milyavskaya.

She said that during the examination, doctors found sand in her kidneys, which was the cause of increased pressure.

The actress noted that the doctors after the attack forbade her to use many products, and she herself decided to seriously take up her health.

“I stopped drinking ... milk. And that makes it very sad. The doctor forbade, explained that it is impossible, since now this product consists of one chemistry. But before, three liters a day was easily consumed. The black list also includes beef, store eggs, cola, sweets. I have reduced the number of cigarettes, but there is still no strength to completely abandon the bad habit, although the therapist insists. He says that blood vessels are weak ... In the dry residue for 55 years I can afford a little alcohol, and that is rare. I don’t even eat my favorite fried potatoes, ”Milyavskaya admitted.


Not so long ago, Lolita made an unusual testament in which she wished her ashes to be brought to Ukraine after her death. She told this to TV presenter Andrei Malakhov, who came to visit her.

In 2017, Lolita Milyavskaya, whose relatives stayed in Ukraine, the SBU forbade crossing the border due to the fact that she organized a tour in the Crimea.

“Lolita said that after her death she bequeathed to scatter part of her ashes on the top of a pink mountain visible from the windows of her Bulgarian house, and to give the other to the will of the Moscow wind in Lyaliny Lane, where she lived for a long time. “And the third one,” Lola sighed, “let them be taken to Ukraine. At least this way I will be reunited with my homeland ”, - quoted the artist Malakhov.

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