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Donald Trump responded to publications and rumors about the "unlucky" Melania


Source: The Daily Mail

There have been statements in the press and on the Internet that Melania Trump looks "unhappy" and is clearly not happy with her fate as the first lady of the United States. The other day, Donald Trump publicly commented on these rumors, writes The Daily Mail.

Melania's criticism began immediately after the inauguration ceremony. The network even flew around "photo-toads", where on the objects that Mrs. Trump was holding according to the protocol, some amateur designer added "Help!" It was rumored that Melania doubted her husband's victory in the elections and was not at all eager to become the first lady and fulfill all the relevant duties.

In his Twitter account, Donald Trump wrote: “Melania really loves what she does. She always knew that if I compete for the presidency, I will win without a doubt, ”he also called his wife“ a wonderful and hardworking first lady ”.


Rumors about Mrs. Trump's doubts about her husband’s victory most likely began after publication in the journal Vanity Fair, where it was said about insider information indicating the disappointment of Melania with Trump's victory. A spokeswoman for the first lady called this material false and indecent.

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