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Proved: sugar substitutes provoke diabetes and obesity


Source: US News

Zero calories sounds tempting, but don't put an equal sign between zero calories and health benefits.

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Artificial sweeteners that do not contain calories and are designed to reduce the consumption of pure sugars can by themselves contribute to the development of obesity and diabetes, writes US News. What is wrong with them?

The results of the new study presented on Sunday at the conference Experimental Biology, confirm the foregoing. Experts fed one group of rodents with high glucose or fructose foods, and the other with food with aspartame or acesulfame potassium, standard non-calorie sweeteners of artificial origin. Three weeks later, researchers noted "significant differences in the concentrations of biochemical substances, fats and amino acids in blood samples."

The results showed that artificial sweeteners change the process of fat deposition and energy extraction, and not at all in your favor. In addition, it turned out that acesulfame accumulates in the blood, and its high content negatively affects the blood vessels.

The authors emphasized that replacing sugar with sweeteners is not a solution for the prevention and treatment of diabetes and obesity. Both sugar and artificial substitutes have negative health effects, although their mechanisms of action are significantly different.

Experts have recommended that you “moderately” cut down on unwanted foods and additives in your diet, without getting carried away with artificially created alternatives.

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