Add to the diet: the nutritionist named the three most useful autumn products
Source: News
Nutritionist Elena Solomatina named the three most useful products of the late summer and early fall. First of all, she recommends paying attention to pumpkin. It is rich in vitamin A precursor - beta-carotene, which provides the orange color of the product.

This element is necessary to maintain normal vision, especially twilight, good skin and renewal of the mucosa, write News. It also helps in the prevention of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases due to the large amount of potassium.
“Potassium reduces pressure on the vascular wall and blood pressure. Therefore, it is an ideal product for hypertensive patients, ”the nutritionist explained,“ Evening Moscow ”quotes her on Wednesday, August 28.
She clarified that during heat treatment beta-carotene does not lose its properties, but some kind of fat needs to be added to pumpkin dishes so that this element is absorbed by the body.
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The next healthy product is plum. The brighter the color of the berry, the more it contains anthocyanins, which fight free radicals and protect the body from aging.
“Also, the plum contains fiber, pectins and very well removes salts of heavy metals, radionuclides. The laxative property of plums is also known, ”added Solomatina.
According to her, plum is best consumed in its raw form, since vitamin C is destroyed by heat treatment.
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The doctor also recommends paying attention to the pear, which contains potassium, magnesium and pectins.
They positively affect the work of the intestines, remove cholesterol. In addition, the pear has a lower glycemic index than the apple.
“The main thing is that, unlike apples, pears give a feeling of fullness, when apples, due to the content of organic acids, irritating the stomach, on the contrary, lead to a feeling of hunger,” the nutritionist noted.