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Dmitry Nagiyev said he would go on maternity leave


ForumDaily Woman

Russian TV presenter, actor and showman Dmitry Nagiyev is known for his sparkling humor - everyone is used to the fact that the artist constantly jokes about himself and his colleagues in the shop. But the other day, another joke of Nagiyev caused a storm of gossip among fans and employees of Channel One, where Dmitry is now hosting the Voice show.


The reason for the excitement of the public was the words of Dmitry Nagiyev after one of the blind auditions of the show about how much he worries about the participants in the program. “After this project I will go on maternity leave,” said the artist. True, he added: “Self-care”. Apparently, the presenter just threw out emotions, not attaching particular importance to his words, but the fans were on the alert. The network was filled with rumors and speculation about who Dmitry is going to look after on maternity leave. The media replicated a different version - Nagiyev wants to leave Channel One (Andrei Malakhov also left the channel recently).

The presenter had to comment on his words. He called the Internet audience too ingenuous: "I will say that I have got aquarium fish and am going on maternity leave to care for them", - Dmitry completed the thought, adding that everything is in order on television.

Recall that the only son of 50-year-old Dmitry Nagiyev Kirill two weeks ago turned 28 years old, and it’s obviously too late to sit with him on maternity leave. New media and TV presenter children are not reported.

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