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The girls dreamed of a little sister, and the parents made him a surprise. VIDEO


Source: ABC News

11-year-old Reygen and 6-year-old Harper Pruitt knew that their mother and father had been preparing documents for the adoption of another child for the entire last year (the couple have six relatives and adopted children). But the information about the kids, ready for adoption, did not do everything, tells ABC News.


The girls constantly asked parents about when their new brother or sister would be at home, hinting that the sister would be the best solution. On the night of July 25, Shane Pruitt and his wife, Kacy, finally waited for the call from the adoption service — they were offered a newborn girl and allowed to take her to the family the very next morning.

The parents, just in case, did not warn the daughters in order not to disappoint the children in case of any difficulties. While the older children were sleeping, Pruitt went after the child and a few hours later returned home with a new daughter, whose name has not yet been announced. Reigen and Harper were shocked when they saw their sister for the first time - and this moment their parents took a video.

The elder sister burst into tears, and the younger sister did not at first believe what was happening, having decided that it was a joke. According to parents, this reaction is very precisely the nature of girls.

The video quickly went viral, spreading rapidly across the Internet. Shane Pruitt smiles: "If we inspire other families to adopt or guardianship, then this is a clear win." Now the family has seven children.

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