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Ten non-trivial ways to say 'please' in response to a thank you


Source: white kiwi on Yandex.Zen

There are expressions that are used, as they say, on the machine: sneeze - catch "Bless you", slipped, fell - wait "Are you okay?" to your address, reminds the author of the channel white kiwi on Yandex.Zen.

Photo: Shutterstock

All these are examples of etiquette, polite communication, generally accepted in a civilized society. The same is the expression “You're welcome” as an answer to the thanks.

Although such phrases may not mean anything, used only because it is customary, situations are different. And in order not to seem like a robot, blurting out the same phrase in all situations, as if on command, it will be useful to know its synonyms. Here we go!

(It's) my pleasure

If you are thanked for something you enjoyed doing:

- Thank you so much!

- It was my pleasure (I was pleased).

Don't mention it

A polite indication that what you have done is not worth gratitude. So, to demonstrate your generosity.

It's all right

Used as a colloquial synonym for the previous phrase.

- Thanks for the ride (Thanks for the ride).

- Oh, it's all right (No thanks).

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Not at all / No problem

And a couple more examples when, in your opinion, you shouldn't thank.

No sweat (or Don't worry about it)

Something like “don’t worry, everything is fine” in order to show the interlocutor in an informal setting that it cost you nothing at all:

- Hey, thanks for the help back there (Listen, thanks for helping out then).

– No sweat. I was glad to help (Yes, everything is fine. I was glad to help).

Any time

Or “always happy to help”. For informal communication. For true cowboys, add pardner (aka partner) at the end of the phrase.


A very common expression in American English, all with the same meaning, "glad to help." However, you need to be careful with it. Firstly, it is suitable only for informal communication. Secondly, the expression sounds a little distant, so it is better suited for talking with friends. The Americans themselves recommend supplementing sure with other phrases with a similar meaning: for example, “sure, no problem”; “sure, don't mention it”…:

- Hey thanks for the help (Thanks for the help).

- Sure (You are always welcome).

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American spoken response to your gratitude.

You got it

In general, this is how a bartender in the United States will respond to a customer who ordered a drink. Something like “will be done”. It may sound strange, but it is also used as an informal substitute for “You're welcome”.

Original column published on the blog. white kiwi on Yandex.Zen

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