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Sobchak's daring trick after the wedding: the priests are in shock, the parents left the wedding. VIDEO 18 +


Source: report

TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak and theater director Konstantin Bogomolov sinned immediately after the wedding. The acting head of the press service of the Russian patriarch Vladimir Legoyda wrote about this in the Telegram channel.


According to him, the erotic wedding dance that Sobchak performed at the wedding does not go well with the behavior of a person who has just been married in a church. Legoyda recalled that the couple before the sacrament testified in writing to repentance of “unworthy deeds in the past” and promised not to commit sins, writes report.

“I believe the priest thought and hoped that all this was done sincerely. Alas, the actions immediately following this give a serious reason to doubt this sincerity, ”the representative of the patriarch suggested. He inquired about the meaning of "making vows to God" if Sobchak and Bogomolov planned to arrange a "performance" after the wedding.

On the subject: Black hearse and Friday, 13: the wedding of Ksenia Sobchak and Konstantin Bogomolov. PHOTO, VIDEO

Earlier, Legoyda said that the wedding of Sobchak and Bogomolov was carried out in accordance with all church requirements. According to him, before the sacrament, as it should be, the couple attended a conversation with the priest about the meaning of the wedding and the Christian understanding of family life.

During the celebration, the bride in a black corset and a red garter on her leg danced a frank dance on stage to the song "Enter Me, Enter My Dreams", and then lay down in bed. Two of the dancers brought her new husband to her.

Caution, 18 + Video!

The audience was thrilled after the hot performance of the media diva. It was not liked only by the older generation of guests - and more precisely, the parents of Konstantin Bogomolov.

“They did not appreciate the dirty dancing of Sobchak. Bogomolov’s parents, having seen their daughter-in-law undressing to music, left the banquet without waiting for the cake, ”the guests of the holiday told the NTV correspondent, quoted


By the way, the mother of Sobchak Lyudmila Narusova was also left in disarray due to some nuances of the holiday.

“When I left the registry office in the proper feelings and saw a hearse right under the door, I decided that right now I would go there ... and they would take me to my destination,” the woman admitted on the program “Hello, Andrey!”

Sobchak and Bogomolov got married on friday xnumx september. They arrived at the church in a carriage. The TV presenter entered the temple in a veil and with a bouquet in her hands. Prior to this, the couple registered their marriage in the Griboedovsky registry office of Moscow. Newlyweds got to the place of registration on the hearse with the inscription "Until death do us part."

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