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What you need to know if you decide to use the quick wash mode


Source: Good Housekeeping

The quick wash is definitely a time saver, but is your washing machine really doing a good job when you want to wash faster? How often can - and should - use the Quick Wash? Experts talk.

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Without a doubt, the quick wash function is incredibly convenient, so there is a temptation to use it often to quickly deal with the mountain of things that have accumulated in the laundry basket. But it may seem to you that Overnight is not washed sufficiently well. And you will be right, writes Good Housekeeping.

“To freshen up stain-free clothes, a quick wash is fine,” says Tricia Schofield, director of the Household Institute. "But when it comes to stains, a full wash is necessary: ​​the fast cycle is too low."

The test group conducted tests of new washing and washer-dryers using things that were artificially stained. This is what they recommended following the test results.

To make sure dust mites and germs are killed, clothes should be washed at 60 ° C (140 F) unless otherwise indicated on the label - always read what it says! Some items have a maximum temperature of 40 ° C (104 F), but for bedding and towels it is best to use a higher temperature setting and use a powder detergent that contains bleach to help kill hidden bacteria. This is especially important if you have family members with reduced immunity, such as the elderly or young children.

Detergent also plays a big role - biological detergent contains enzymes (enzymes), it is the best choice for removing dirt and stains. Detergent without enzymes consists of bleach for cleaning and disinfection, so it removes worse.

If you use the accelerated wash, keep in mind: the rinsing will be shorter than with the regular wash, so it’s better to half fill the machine and use half the dose of detergent to make sure that you do not get things out of the machine in the soap solution.

“If you regularly wash using a low temperature wash, you will notice that the machine smells bad - mold and bacteria build up,” says Trisha. - To prevent this from happening, run an empty wash every few weeks at very hot conditions with a detergent containing bleach. Always wipe the detergent drawer and the rubber ring around the drum. "

One big plus for cleaning speed is that it often saves energy and money. For example, a modern washing machine from a well-known manufacturer uses only 0,05 kW of power when setting a quick wash, while a 40 ° C wash in cotton uses 1,4 kW (at a load of 1 kg). However, it consumes more water with a quick wash: 19,5 liters compared to 9,7 liters for cottons at 40 ° C.

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