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What you need to know about the nature of coronavirus and high-risk groups: advice from Alexander Litvin

Alexander Litvin

researcher, pharmacist


In 2018, analyzing the upcoming period, I marked the beginning of the pandemic in 2019 and the place of the greatest danger - the southeast of Eurasia. It was not easy for me to name the problem and the time of its occurrence - not because I doubt, or am afraid to make a mistake (although this is also present), but because I do not want to cause panic, because it is very difficult for people to differentiate panic from necessary security measures ...

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Later, in December 2019, in my Big Beginning lecture, I called the upcoming period the Time of Chaos. Many thought it was just a beautiful metaphor. But I called things by their right names and meant that humanity cannot foresee and manage the cyclicality that ensures the change of eras.

As I have already warned my readers, on the night of February 5.02.2020, 2020, a new era has come, which in itself is good and quite in the interests of the vast majority of people, but in the beginning, in XNUMX, there will be a period of Chaos. And he came.

Why did I suddenly announce Chaos, and not just announce, but gather a thousand people in the west of Moscow, staging a whole show? I concluded based on the knowledge that has been preserved from our ancestors, from those people who are thousands of years ahead of their time and the consciousness of their contemporaries.

My confidence in the ancient books is boundless, for I see in them a deep meaning, revealing the essence of being. The book of Ecclesiastes very accurately describes the processes of changing the paradigm of events and life itself on the planet. Cyclicity provides a continuous renewal of the conditions of existence, and these conditions are directly related to the source of control of human emotions. This source - the generator of ideas that govern our emotions, is outside the human body and outside the human consciousness. I am not the first to pay attention to this source. Best of all, the influence of nature on human emotions is explained by the respected Lev Gumilyov in his theory of passionarity, and the very existence of a source in the Universe is successfully confirmed by his research Professor Simon Shnol. I am glad that both ancient books and modern philosophers and scientists have a single concept of cyclicity, they say the same thing.

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The synergy of the teachings of ancient Eastern metaphysics, Abrahamic books, modern scientific views, analytics of historical events, standard life experience and individual experience of intuitive research gave me the opportunity to understand that cyclicality is a fact, and that the next cycle will begin on February 5, 2020. And, as they say, resistance is useless.

Thus, I concluded and voiced it. There were many premises and circumstances to which I drew your attention. I analyzed the end of previous cycles, starting with the history of the Ancient World and ending with modernity, and drew attention to the fact that a change from negative to positive phase is always accompanied by the occurrence of one or another especially dangerous infection.

There were many more observations, and now, as a result, I announced that a pandemic is expected (if you call a spade a spade - pestilence), and designated the most dangerous territory - the southeast of Eurasia.

At the moment, it’s a mystery for doctors how the virus works, doctors can’t identify the risk group. Some patients become very ill, their condition worsens dramatically, while others recover.

Unfortunately, I do not have accurate statistics on the dates of birth of patients with the virus, however, based on my experience, I believe that the virus is dangerous for people born in 1929-1930, 41-42, 53-54, 65-66, 77 -78, 89-90, as well as in May and June of any year.

The answer to the question of which of them will survive, or which of them will lose their loved ones, lies more in the personal area: how significantly these people were able to aggravate or correct the situation through the emotional assessment received from their contemporaries. I did not indicate a younger age, because nature always leaves us a chance to improve our characteristics.

We will devote the whole of 2021 to recovering from a viral attack, based on the nature of the cyclical nature. Critical periods regarding the virus and its economic consequences occur in June, October, December 2020 and January 2021.

Regarding nutrition and ways to increase immunity, I strongly recommend those who read my articles and attended my master classes to remember their personal characteristics. However, for everyone, I can say that vegetarianism this year is disastrous, with the exception of those born in March and May of any year ending in 4 and 5 - they should not stock up on stew, but on lettuce. It should be remembered that a history of genetic diseases and autoimmune processes, even if they are in remission, is a risk factor.

So, now we are in the center of the storm, where everything will be worn and circled. Chaos.

I have to stop. We must stop and look around. Stay at home. Become a motionless observer and look, first of all, at yourself.

The global goal of everything happening on the planet is to change the genetics of the human population.

This has happened more than once, many historical parallels can be drawn. But, perhaps, the most striking one is associated with a change in the perception of the world of people who lived in the Middle Ages. The story began in approximately the same scenario: the infection arose in the East, penetrated into Europe through Italy, decimated a huge number of the population and, first of all, those people who made global decisions that contradicted the Commandments and those who either supported or did not resisted them. After that epoch-making pandemic, a mutation occurred, but not in the form of a change in some external signs, but in the form of a change in the perception of the world by the descendants of surviving people, who, in fact, ensured the emergence of the Renaissance era with its humanism and anthropocentrism.

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Both past pandemics and the current one can be considered carpet bombing, which includes almost the entire population and, above all, the population of countries that determine the development of civilization, countries where global decisions are made regarding the entire planet. Since the new cycle, which began on February 5, 2020, carries the idea of ​​realizing the creative potential of a person, its harmonization with nature and understanding of the responsibility of man for its condition - a new renaissance.

The virus is a function. He acts extremely selectively, changes some, destroys others, but for all, without exception, changes the level of empathy. As the saying goes, there is a silver lining. It's not all bad. We will be reborn. Take care of each other. And health to you!

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