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What you need to catch, know and be able to figure up 30

Anna Garnets

Fitness trainer, author of HitFit weight loss method


Two days since I turned thirty years old, and I am overwhelmed with emotions.
Congratulations and wishes inspired me to this article.

Photo from the personal archive of the author.

Let's discuss a list of what it would be good to learn and what to be in time for thirty to be in good shape.

What to learn in 20

Diets - evil and we must forget this word forever.

You are what you eat.

Teach yourself to share the right food and trash.

Sit down and figure out how much calories you need to eat, what proteins, fats and carbohydrates are, and understand that only a balanced diet, and not hungry five-day “miracle methods” will help you feel and look great.

Start doing fitness

Find your direction, from which you will receive maximum pleasure.

Try different types of training, your task is to love what you are doing.

Three workouts per week should be an integral part of your life.

Periodically change the load, but follow the technique as much as possible and avoid injuries.

Take care of your knees

I'm not kidding, take care of them.

If you like step aerobics or you like to squat with more weight, but you feel discomfort in your knees, drop it.

Then you will regret!

It's a shame that the maximum you can do at thirty is lying Pilates or swimming while everyone around you is running and jumping.

Drink water

Regular care of the skin of the face and body outside should be supported by the use of the required volume of clean water.

Drink a glass of 250 ml every 2 hour. In winter, you can drink a little less in training, depending on the intensity of 300-500 ml.

When you 25

You begin to notice that the body is not so easy to lose weight and faster gaining too much.

Unwanted folds and wrinkles appeared on the face and body. This is inevitable, but it is necessary to act competently and the main thing now is the regularity of all the mandatory procedures.

Find your beautician

The time has come!

Proper daily skin and body care is an investment in the future.

Even no finances, daily care for the skin of the face and body.

Find a beautician who correctly determines your skin type and selects the care.

The habit of caring for yourself will help you in the fight against time.

Go to the gynecologist-endocrinologist

Be sure to check hormones and monitor women's health.

Once a year, do tests and go to the doctor.

Statistics is very sad, and it is important to monitor health in order to identify and prevent dangerous diseases in time.

Love sport forever

That moment has come when your body begins to look dull without stress.

Of course, you can start running for massages or miracle wraps, but you can't afford to skip workouts, like at twenty, otherwise - hello, flabby butt and cellulite.

Learn to squat

Not only squat, but also do all the basic exercises with its own weight. There are not so many of them, but when you master the technique, you can practice on your own anywhere in the world, regardless of whether you have the opportunity and time to visit the gym or not.

Hire yourself a competent coach or take a few consultations to make your exercise technique perfect.

Stop eating

Yes, that's all!

The times of the night McDonald's without consequences are over!

Learn to eat properly and cut off the food from which you lose shape.

If you don’t learn now, then you will regret and fight.

Find your ideal weight and try not to get better more than 2 kg

It is clear that once a month it is difficult to control oneself, and even if you fall over, be able to correctly get out of the world.

The next day, arrange yourself unloading on the 1-2 of the day depending on how much you allowed yourself to break.

Keep a balance between food intake and motor activity.

Get enough sleep

Teach yourself at least 2-3 once a week to go to bed as early as possible. You will recover and look much fresher.

Walk around

A walk in the fresh air changes the complexion and gives strength.

This is very important, especially if you work in an office at the computer.

40 minutes of active walking covers 50% of the necessary expenses for physical activity in a healthy person, so it is also a benefit for the body.

Learn to drink

Do you still drink colorful cocktails?

Then do not be surprised if cellulite does not take even the most powerful procedures.

Drink dry wine, but rather dilute it with water and enjoy not the hops, but the company.

Look for yourself here and now in any condition.

Check your surroundings

It is better to have one or two friends with whom you have common interests than ten, whose lifestyle will destroy you. Love for healthy food and sports, active recreation, a positive attitude to life - if this is not among your surroundings, think about it and look for those people next to whom you will grow and develop.

Photo from the personal archive of the author.

Change yourself and noah

Does not add up?

Change your thoughts.

Is everything around bad?

Change your thoughts.

Look at yourself and stop paying attention to the flaws.

Praise yourself every day and think about the good. It sounds trite, but we attract exactly what we think and notice.

Age does not matter when you work on yourself, develop and your thoughts are always directed in a positive direction.

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