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What happens if you fall asleep in make-up: three clear examples


Source: Rambler

Admit it honestly: for sure you have at least once fallen asleep, without washing off the makeup? Maybe tired after a busy day or have a lot of fun at the party.

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It seems that nothing terrible will happen if you leave cosmetics up in the morning, but in fact you risk beauty every time you indulge your laziness, says Rambler.

What happens if you do not wash off the foundation?

For our skin is not so terrible tonal cream, how much pollution accumulated on the face for the day: cosmetics attracts dust, smog and bacteria, which ultimately leads to clogged pores and inflammation.

The second reason is a violation of the skin renewal process. At night, while we sleep, the body is restored, and the layer of cosmetics on the face prevents the microcirculation of blood: do not be surprised to see a dull complexion and new wrinkles in the morning. The more often you fall asleep, without washing the foundation, the more damaged the skin is - it simply does not have time to recover.

What will happen if you do not wash off the mascara?

If you fall asleep without removing makeup from your eyes, you will surely get up with red eyelids in the morning: loose particles of cosmetics irritate the eyes and can cause swelling and conjunctivitis. If this is not enough scary, then know that in just one night you can say goodbye to long eyelashes: mascara makes them fragile and dry, so falling asleep face in a pillow, you risk breaking eyelashes.

What happens if you do not wash off the lipstick?

First, you will stain the pillow, and secondly, wake up with dry and cracked lips. Lipstick draws moisture from the lips, so it is important to remove it before going to bed and apply a generous layer of balm.

Tip: keep your makeup wipes next to your bed, and when you’re not strong enough, you can remove makeup from your face even with your eyes closed.

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