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What Americans do with unnecessary clothing

Nina Zotova



I get high from the separate collection from the first day of arrival. Long dreamed about it and now enjoy. It is very easy: there is a main garbage bin, where all household trash goes. There are separate bags for plastic and paper. As I accumulate, I just take them out to a special room on our floor and lay them out in containers. Once a day they are cleaned. Household trash down the garbage disposal. A plastic bag is typed about once every three days, less paper.


In public places there are always just garbage cans and recycle tanks. It’s not a problem at all where to attach a plastic bottle or paper cup.

What about clothes and shoes? Living in Ryazan, I often wondered: where to put unnecessary things? Clothes can still be handed over to shelters and overexposure for animals (I highly recommend it - you need it for bedding and rags), but what about shoes? It has always been more difficult to find people in need, or rather intermediaries who will hand it over to them. This has always been associated with the fact that it is necessary to specially go somewhere, negotiate, etc. And there was a whole challenge to find such places of reception.


Then I discovered the containers for clothes and shoes. We have a whole series of them near large shopping centers: here are several organizations that are gathering at once (they are in photos of different colors).


He came in, put the bag down and left with a sense of accomplishment. There is also a convenient and pleasant life hack: take a bag of clothes to H&M and get a 15% discount on the purchase, but as far as I understand (maybe wrong) they don’t take shoes, this is also true for Russian H&M.

Dear New York City Trash

In 2017, the year of the mid-year from New York, the issue of 125 pounds (56 kg) of the x-ray of a mirror, a bag, a bag, and more. These data indicate a serious problem. All is in the state that the people give to the people in order to send their shipment to repair. For example, in many houses (x and not at all) there are special contactors for clothes - refashionNYC.

You can also submit a non-copyrighted one to a non-commercial organization. Housing Workswhich transforms the texture or forwards it to reprocessing. Another option is to shake off clothes, shoes, or bags - shops of magazines GrowNYC. Here clothes are copied: part will be sent to the magazines in the backed up parts, and part will be repaired.

The average American for one year of his life throws goods worth more than 6.5 thousand dollars. This conclusion was made by the Association of American consumers after a large-scale study.

The most popular item, most often sent to a landfill, is a TV. According to statistics, the average American family throws out a 1 TV in a year and a half (moreover, 8 from 10 TVs are in working condition). Small household appliances (toasters, combines, vacuum cleaners) are also on the list of leaders.

As for furniture and clothing, here the Americans demonstrate an enviable generosity. Clothes are thrown around 24 kg, and furniture around 4 items (annually per capita). The vast majority of Americans responded that they are more inclined to buy new things than repair (repair, restore) old ones.


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