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What is dangerous air conditioning and how not to get sick, cooling the room in the heat


Source: Today

In the summer heat, the temperature of the air is kept at the level of 30-40 degrees, while many have air conditioning even on the 18-20.

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Colds and flu are common satellites of cold winter days. But sometimes we can catch a cold even in summer. When this happens, we immediately think that we have a cold under the conditioner in the office, at home or in the car. How to properly use the air conditioner, so as not to get sick? Tells Today.

How not to get sick from the air conditioner at home

Do not allow a sharp temperature drop before going out. The air outside on hot summer days can warm up to 40 degrees, so it is extremely unwise to use the air conditioner when you are going to leave from home or office.

It is best to turn it off half an hour before exiting to allow the room to gradually warm up. To do this, you can also open the window. Then outside you will not hit a wave of hot air and will not put your health to the test of strength. You also need to do after returning to the room.

How to use the air conditioner in the heat

Allow your body to cool slightly after the sun, and then slowly cool the room to a comfortable temperature. The difference in air temperature between the street and the room should not exceed 4-6 degrees, so vary the cooling at home or in the office depending on how many degrees the thermometer shows on the street.

Even if you do not like the heat and prefer coolness and freshness, do not lower the temperature in the room below 22-24 degrees. This is the most comfortable mode for a person; it will be easier for him to maintain health in such conditions. The temperature below this recommended minimum can be set only during sleep.

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It is best to use the Sleep function for this, when turned on, the air conditioner starts to work in a quieter mode, cools the room, and then turns off so that the room warms up a bit before morning and you wake up warm.

The main rule when using the air conditioner - do not fall under the airflow. It is worth thinking about this even during the installation of the device, to see if the employee’s desk in the office is right under the air conditioner, or if someone will fall under the stream of cold air.

What health problems does air conditioning cause?

Even a short time under the device can cost a person health: because of him develops a cold, sore throat, thanks to him you can earn inflammation of the spine, ear, muscles. If you have to work under the air conditioner, ask to increase the temperature, wear warm clothes, do not hesitate to even knit a scarf or wear a shawl.

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The causes of diseases can also be harmful bacteria that accumulate and multiply in the filters of these devices. Therefore, it is important to clean and change them in time. It is necessary not to forget about airing the room, because the air conditioner does not deliver fresh air, cooling again and again only the one in the room. So in the breaks between work it is worthwhile to open the window and let the stream of hot, but fresh air get rid of the bacteria that are stuck in it.

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