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What you didn't know about spinners


Source: edition

Recently, one can often observe a small and colorful pinwheel in the hands of children. She won the minds of schoolchildren, with such a thing you can perform all sorts of tricks and even organize competitions. Such a toy is called - spinner.

What is a spinner? This is a small design, rotating around its axis. It perfectly soothes people who need something to turn or touch in their hands. This is a great alternative to the rosary, coins and charms. The steady center of the spinner stays on your finger, and the 2, 3 or 4 blades rotate. Depending on your movements with your hand, the toy may rotate slowly, or it may look like a small fan. If the blades are painted in different colors, you can observe a rainbow or spectrum.

The spinner was originally designed specifically for children with ADD or, in other words, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The toy helped such children concentrate their attention, occupied their hands, and distracted them if needed. But the spinner has become a craze. And now every third teenager is having fun with a little "pocket fan". Silicone, plastic, metal and aluminum are used as materials in the manufacture of toys. Later, toys with LED illumination went on sale. Spinner has gained immense popularity in American stores. At a price of $ 10 to $ 20, schoolchildren snapped them up like hot cakes.

American schools treat this hobby differently. In some there is a severe ban on games with spinner, in others the attitude is more loyal. Despite the simple device and the meditative goals of the toy, some children managed to get hurt. This entailed prohibitions to bring spinner to the lessons. However, many mothers encourage their children to help them order such toys on Amazon.

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