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Do you often feel hungry? Only one product will help!


Source: Boston Magazine

Always feeling hungry? Try this snack - and the feeling of hunger will disappear. About a new study of the medical center Beth Israel from Boston tells Boston Magazine.


Specialists of the Center found that eating walnuts, which have long been considered a healthy snack, can help you maintain a feeling of satiety for a longer time and make better choices of products and dishes. But all these bonuses you get, not only because of the rich nutrients of the composition of the nuts themselves.

The fact is that walnuts activate the area of ​​the brain, which is responsible for satisfaction, satiety and the desire to "grab" something in the refrigerator. Study author Olivia Farr says: "We knew people felt full after eating nuts, but we were surprised to find that the regions of the brain responsible for satiety were involved."

The study involved 10 obese people who were admitted to the clinic for two five-day examinations. On some days, they drank a smoothie containing 48 grams of walnuts (about 20 halves). Others drank just smoothies, no nuts, but the same nutrient content. The participants did not know what exactly was being offered to them. Those who received the drink with nuts said they felt full more often than others. But the most interesting thing was that doctors found the "nuts effect" on brain scans.

What follows from this? It doesn’t hurt us all to sometimes eat a handful of walnuts as a snack.

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