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The future mother from Florida lost her child and was left without arms and legs. A PHOTO


Source: The Daily Mail

Kaley Ferguson-Walker, 31-year-old, experienced a real misfortune - during a long-awaited second pregnancy, a young woman fell victim to a serious complication that led to the death of her child and the amputation of a young mother, writes The Daily Mail.


When Kaylee was six months pregnant, she suddenly became ill - her future mother was taken to intensive care, where she was diagnosed with a dysfunction of the kidneys, a sharp decrease in pressure and breathing problems. Initially, since the case was in early spring, the disease was taken for a severe form of influenza and was treated incorrectly.


Sepsis was later discovered - blood poisoning, and it became known that Kaylee's baby died in the womb right away? as soon as she was taken to the hospital. For two weeks the woman was in a coma, and after that it was discovered that her limbs began to decompose - gangrene had developed and she was threatened with death. The only solution was amputation.

According to doctors, the rarest case of sepsis developed due to an infection that got into the cervix as a result of a no less rare complication of pregnancy. In this case, the first pregnancy proceeded normally. Now Kaylie adapts to her new life and says that her three-year-old daughter and loving husband helps a lot.

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