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Brigitte Macron gave a frank interview about her relationship with her husband


Source: It

The first lady of France graced the cover of the September issue of French Elle and gave a frank interview about her relationship with her husband. He writes about it It.

In her first interview after her husband was elected president of France, Brigitte Macron told about how they met her husband and how she lives with a man who is younger than 24 of the year.

According to Brigitte, the attraction between her and Emmanuel arose when they worked together on a school play in 1992.

But since she was his teacher at that time, there could not even be talk about relationships, and she stopped all attempts at once.

In addition, she was disturbed by the gossip that began to spread. Brigitte feared the reaction of their children.

“At that time there was nothing between us. Although gossip on our account already went. In fact, at that moment I was only disturbed by my children, Sebastian, Lawrence and Tifane. ”

Before 2007, Brigitte and Emmanuel simply corresponded and there was no relationship between them.

But Emmanuel did not abandon his attempts to win the love of Brigitte. And in 2007, he took her out of the family.

The first lady didn’t regret her choice for a minute; she is happy that it all happened that way.

“If I had not made this choice, if I had pushed him away just because of the age difference - consider life would have passed me by,” the woman is sure.

“The only drawback of Emmanuel is that he is younger than me ... I got used to the fact that extraordinary things happen to us. I always ask myself what adventure will be next. And this has been going on for 20 years, ”said Brigitte.

About life with her husband, she said:

"Yes, we have breakfast together: I, my wrinkles and youth of Emmanuel."

During the pre-election race, the topic of age difference was widely known. And Brigitte this period was not easy. But her husband has repeatedly acted in her defense.

“I calmed down, saying to myself:“ Yes, I can’t take it all normally, but I have to learn to cope. After all, in time, all this will pass. ”

Brigitte also spoke about the petition and the topic of granting her the official status of the first lady of France, which was signed by 300 thousand people.

She explained that her responsibilities would be determined by a special charter of publicity. The schedule of meetings and the main responsibilities of Brigitte will be available to all French.

First Lady will not receive salary. Like its predecessor, the president’s wife will be engaged in social activities.

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