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The British learned that she was pregnant, one day before the birth of a child


Source: The Sun

37-year-old Lian Allen turned to doctors with complaints of poor health, fearing that she has a tumor. And the doctors told her that she was pregnant and would soon become a mother. He writes about it The Sun.

Lian is an ordinary British housewife who suddenly became the heroine of the media after almost all the pregnancies went through without even knowing it.

She felt unwell for several months, suffered from high blood pressure, fatigue, kidney problems and constant leg swelling. Therefore, Lynn turned to doctors, suspecting that her health was in serious trouble.

According to Lian, she was afraid that doctors would find a tumor in her. But how surprised she was when the doctor, after conducting tests and an MRI examination, informed the woman that she was 31-th week of pregnancy.

Lian and her husband Kevin already have two adult children, and in January of this year she suffered a miscarriage. The couple was so upset by the unsuccessful attempt that she decided not to have children anymore, and Lian's husband did a vasectomy.

The next day after the examination, the doctors performed an operation, thanks to which a premature baby was born.

The operation was necessary, since all the symptoms of deterioration in health indicated a state of preeclampsia.

All events happened so quickly that Lian and Kevin did not even have time to inform the older children that they would soon have a sister.

“Everything looked so shocking and it happened so quickly that we didn't want to tell anyone until we found out that everything was fine with the baby,” says Lian's husband, Kevin.

After the operation, the newborn girl had to be held in a special chamber until she began to breathe on her own. But now everything is all right with the newborn and they let her go home with her happy parents. The girl was named Harley.

The newly minted father, distraught with happiness, began to buy all the accessories for newborns from the stroller to the car seat.

“It's just incredible, for another week our life was completely different. It's just a whirlwind of emotion. Harley is an absolute miracle, ”he admitted.

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