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Cancer patient Hollywood actress married live on Times Square


Source: Page six

39 is a summer TV host and actress Maria Menunos, who fights cancer, married director and producer Kevin Andergaro. The wedding took place in Times Square live.

According to Page six, Menunos and Undergaro have been together for almost 20 years. In the fall of 2017, the woman was diagnosed with brain cancer. She was operated on, but warned that the disease could return.

“Good news for my mom! We're getting married today in Times Square! I will be the most frozen bride, but the happiest, ”Maria wrote in her Instagram.

The actress was wearing a lace dress. Pronovias and coat. The groom was wearing a black tuxedo. The clerk of the wedding was actor Steve Harvey.

The couple said that they had two weeks to prepare for the wedding, and the idea of ​​the wedding was taken from the show.

“While I was working on a special edition Fox new year's and discussed the release with the producer. The producer said he wanted the couple to get married in Times Square and said, "After all, you and Keven want to get married," I laughed and then thought it was a good idea, "Menounos says.

Maria Menounos played small roles in the series “One Tree Hill”, “Clinic” and “Knight Rider”. Mary was first heard of in 1996 after she won the Miss Massachusetts competition.



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