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'Without pants': optical illusion with clothes Melania Trump blew up the Net. VIDEO


Source: Today

Due to an unexpected optical illusion, the outfit of the first lady of the United States looked like she, as noted by Internet users, went out in public “without pants”.

The clothes of the wife of US President Donald Trump Melanie made users believe that she forgot to wear pants. Video of the exit from the plane of the first lady of the United States and her spouse appeared in the Twitter-account ABC News, writes Today.

On the published frames, Melania Trump is wearing a short green coat, and her legs look bare.

“It seems that Melania lost a couple of rounds of strip cards while flying,” Internet users began to joke.

“It looks like she’s without pants,” other microbloggers supported him.

Later it turned out that she was wearing tight skinny trousers, but due to the darkness of the day and the bright illumination of the spotlights, they merged with the skin color. Because of this, the users thought that the first lady had forgotten to wear pants.

It is not the first time that the specific color rendering during shooting has played a cruel joke with Melania Trump. Recall that not so long ago, the first lady changed her hair color - and in one of the news service videos she looked literally “straw” blonde, which caused a violent reaction from users of social networks. Some have jokingly suggested that Melania painted in the bathroom of the White House, using a color "like Donald".

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