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Everything is possible for pregnant women in the USA: personal experience



Tatyana Mann, mother of little Maya, told about the peculiarities of conducting pregnancy “in an American way”.


My pregnancy went from beginning to end in America, and I am very pleased. It’s not so much the fact that a daughter has been granted American citizenship by birth (for precisely this reason, Russian girls often tend to give birth in the States), as in the general approach to pregnancy. In short, the main principle of American doctors - do not scare, do not overdo it with examinations and do not limit. Being pregnant in the States means continuing to be yourself, lead a normal life and only enjoy new sensations and rare meetings with a doctor.

Immediately make a reservation: my observations are based on my personal history and my personal experience of an easy (problem-free) pregnancy, I do not pretend to be the ultimate truth. I am sure that everyone who has had a pregnancy in America has their own truth.

No.1. Pregnancy and childbirth are the same doctor

In my opinion, it is very convenient and humane in relation to a pregnant woman: this practice allows you to get to know the person who will support you in a very important matter, helps you get used to his style of communication, hands and sense of humor. Due to this, the stressful process of childbirth in advance seems a little less nervous and more controlled. But this approach has its own small minus: there are situations when you come to a regular reception at a pre-selected time - and wait for your doctor for several hours, because he had to leave for childbirth. If you can not wait, most likely, you will be offered to undergo inspection at the one who is free at the moment.

No.2. Meeting with the obstetrician-gynecologist is short and rare

American doctors are not in a hurry to meet as soon as possible with the woman who saw the two strips on the test. I expected to meet my doctor at 5 week, but I was offered a first examination at 11. See before there is not much point, if the pregnant woman feels good, doctors are confident in the States.

It also does not make sense to torture a pregnant woman with lengthy examinations and “just in case” analyzes throughout the entire period. Standard examinations here last about 3 minutes and include a urine test, a measurement of the child’s weight, pressure and heartbeat, plus - small talk how you feel and how you feel about the latest news. I exchanged a few good-byes jokes with the doctor - and was free.

Ultrasound scans are done three times: at the first meeting, on screenings of the 12 and 20 weeks. A blood test is also done three times over the entire term (general analysis and screening for genetic abnormalities in the first trimester, glucose analysis at the end of the second trimester). It is believed that the presumption of innocence is on the side of the family expecting a child, and there is no need for 3 to test a pregnant woman for AIDS and syphilis once, as is done in Russia, one check is enough.

No.3. Minimum of analyzes

In America, pregnant women in general are not subjected to meticulous medical examinations. Since pregnancy is not a disease, American doctors do not consider it a reason for a mandatory visit to an endocrinologist, a cardiologist, a dentist and other specialists. Of course, if the body goes down, you still have to visit one or another doctor, but this is a completely different story - not about examinations for "just in case."

No.4. From natural childbirth, there is no tap "in sight"

In the US, an optometrist does not bless pregnant women with problematic vision for childbirth. An optometrist has nothing to do with it, they are confident in the States. I have poor eyesight from birth - the diagnosis is so complicated and running that, for example, I cannot correct visibility with glasses or lenses, I cannot drive a car, and in my childhood I studied at a school for visually impaired children. High myopia, astigmatism, nystagmus, partial atrophy of the optic nerves - which is just not in my eyes. According to Russian doctors, vaginal delivery for me is an unaffordable luxury, their predictions have always been reduced to disappointing 50 / 50, where one of the possible outcomes is the complete or partial loss of my already poor vision.

American doctors were extremely surprised when I tried to ask if I could give birth myself. On the face of my gynecologist, and after - and on the face of an oculist, to whom I nevertheless went voluntarily, just in case, the dumb question stood: “What ?! You can not give birth ?! In which Internet do you read this nonsense ?! ”.


No.5. No one is put "to save"

In the States, there is no such thing as "put on save." With the majority of non-critical complications, they are not hospitalized, but they simply propose not to overwork and send them home. They do not know about such a misfortune as "uterus tone". The uterus is inherent in the tone - this is a normal situation, and not a reason for panic. The tendency to not ignite panic seems to be generally issued to American doctors along with a diploma.

But let's be honest: not every pregnant woman has a relaxed attitude to many issues to his taste. For example, some Russians, accustomed to the meticulousness and reinsurance of doctors in their native country, see indifference in a similar manner of conducting pregnancy, a conspiracy of insurance companies or something else. It seems to me that the absence of constant stress only adds to all the health - and the expectant mother and baby.

No.6. Pregnancy and sport - the perfect couple

Pregnancy and sport are a great combination, American doctors believe. Pregnant women are strongly recommended to keep the most active lifestyle and not to throw those workouts that were part of the regular routine in the pre-pregnancy time. Perhaps they are asked to refrain from sports that are reasonably incompatible with the special situation, such as boxing, skiing, horse riding and other traumatic entertainment. For jogging, swimming, yoga, power classes in the hall only praise. At the same time, of course, they remind you that you should listen to your body and not put on a sport experiment.

№ 7. Babymoon

In America, there is such a thing as babymoon - This is a journey a few months before the appearance of a child, which allows you to gain strength and relax qualitatively before the appearance of the baby. Doctors are only happy when a pregnant woman goes somewhere or flies - they do not see any problem in this. During long flights, it is recommended to drink more water and get up every two hours for an easy warm-up. And they ask, if possible, not to leave the place only after the 37 week, since at this time the child is already considered full-term, and childbirth can begin at any time.

No.8. Pregnant and lactating mothers can eat everything.

There is no such thing as a pregnant diet in the USA, and there is no diet for a nursing mother. It is more likely to remind you that there is no need to “eat for two” - the second is still too small to be considered as a full-fledged eater. They ask only to refrain from raw foods - raw meat, raw fish and raw eggs. Also, a short list of taboos includes fish that may contain mercury, for example, swordfish and tuna fish.

No.9. Reception guests are welcome.

Doctors welcome dads in their offices, therefore, in the corridor of women's gynecological practice, men are usually no less than women. You can also come to the reception with children - most likely, they will even be offered toys and books so that they do not get bored if they have to wait for the doctor.

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