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Making the most of apples: why fruit is better eaten with peel



Apples have a high nutritional value, as they are rich in iron and vitamins, improve digestion and have anti-inflammatory effects, writes

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Endocrinologist Zalina Gusova said: “The most useful property of apples is due to the fact that this fruit holds the record for iron content. Iron is essential for hematopoiesis, to maintain in the blood a sufficient number of red blood cells, the red cells of our blood, which carries oxygen and thereby nourishes our organs and tissues. Eating foods rich in iron serves to prevent oxygen starvation, which is very important for people suffering from diseases of the bronchopulmonary system and cardiovascular diseases.

According to the expert, apple peel is very beneficial, as it contains phytochemicals that have anti-inflammatory effects. It also contains pectin, which helps improve digestion, and the abundance of trace minerals and vitamins in apples will help you keep your skin, nails and hair in good condition.

“The seeds of this fruit are high in iodine. At the same time, apples can contain hydrocyanic acid, so it is believed that in no case should you eat more than three or four apples a day, ”the doctor added.

Zalina Gusova warns: “In fact, apples are considered a high-calorie food because they contain fructose, which the liver converts into glucose. In this regard, excessive consumption of apples is undesirable for diabetes and obesity. "

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Nutritionists and other endocrinologists are of the same opinion. One medium apple is equivalent to a one centimeter thick piece of bread, so excessive consumption of this fruit is unsafe for obese and diabetic people, and healthy people are advised to eat 2 to 4 apples a day after the main meal, which helps to avoid oxygen starvation and cardio - vascular diseases.

Nutritionist Alexei Kalinchev warns that it is better to avoid fruit juices because of their high glycemic index - a relative indicator of the effect of carbohydrates in food on changes in blood sugar levels. For those who don't like eating whole apples, applesauce should be preferred.

“There are varieties of apples that you can absolutely safely eat without worrying about unpleasant consequences. The inclusion of sour apples in the diet can have negative consequences such as exacerbation of chronic gastritis. On top of that, the acid they contain damages tooth enamel. In general, it is usually recommended to eat two to four apples a day, dividing them into several meals, and after meals, and not on an empty stomach, ”said the expert.

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