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"Anna is a real superhero": Iglesias first spoke about his relationship with Kournikova



43-year-old Enrique Iglesias and 37-year-old Anna Kournikova prefer not to share the details of their personal lives with their fans. However, the other day the singer told, thanks to what qualities of tennis player their romance has been going on for 17 years.

A shot from the clip on which the couple met. Photo: YouTube

Enrique Iglesias and Anna Kournikova have been together for about 17 years, reminding The singer and the former first racket of the world have never put their personal life on public display. Iglesias and Kournikova only occasionally gave an interview that they were happy together, but they were not going to marry.

Last December, Anna and Enrique surprised the public with the news that they had become parents. Lovers of souls do not like in Lucy and Nicholas and often publish photos and videos with them on Instagram.

The other day an artist performed at a concert KTUphoria. Before the event, Iglesias managed to talk with journalists, whom he spoke about fatherhood and relationships with an athlete. Enrique told that he was often asked how he and his darling managed to cope with little twins. Iglesias admitted that Kournikova assumes most of the concern for them.

“The real superhero in our family is Anna. She is so unique, ”Enrique shared.

The singer added that the tennis player is the best girl in the world who supports him in any situation. “She knows how much I love what I do and is always ready to help me with 100 percent,” Iglesias said. The artist noted that in their relationship, like all couples, there are problems. Enrique and Anna try to "just survive these bad days."

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