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The American wanted to make a beautiful offer to a girl, but he almost killed them both.


Source: New York Post

This romantic marriage proposal, made on a mountain with a beautiful view, should have ended on a high note. Instead, it all turned into a rescue operation.

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27-year-old Joshua Mason and 28-year-old Katie Davis came from Texas to Colorado to go hiking on Jasper Peak, near Boulder, writes New York Post. The pair walked approximately 8 miles (almost 13 km) on Saturday, until they reached the summit at an altitude of 13 thousand feet (about 4 km). Here Mason planned to ask his beloved the same question.

“Mason hoped to find an isolated scenic spot 'away from people' to ask Davis to marry him,” the sheriff's office said in a press release. "They found just such a place, and Davis happily accepted the unexpected offer."

But soon after Mason made a confession, he got on one knee and it became dark. The couple could not find their way to their car. At the same time, they did not have equipment or water supplies with them to stay on the mountain for the night.

Fortunately, a male traveler found them and took them to Diamond Lake at a nearby camping site, where he camped with friends. But in the middle of the night, Mason and Davis developed symptoms of potentially life-threatening altitude sickness and dehydration, one of the tourists got into his car and drove to a nearby town, where he received a mobile connection. There he called 911 - it was at two in the morning. Two hours later, paramedics arrived at the scene.

“Mason and Davis needed to go down below immediately,” the sheriff's office said. "By this point, they've recovered enough for both of them to be able to descend the hiking trail with the help of Rocky Mountain Rescue Group personnel."

Both got to safe altitude to 6: 30 in the morning.

"Officials have ruled that the engagement can be considered complete despite the unforgettable ordeal," the police joke.

"Mason admitted that he had not planned enough time to complete the hike before dark, and they did not bring enough food or water with them," added the sheriff's office.

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