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An American videotaped how a shark attacks his wife


Source: The Daily Mail

Not everyone can see a real shark live, let alone shoot it on video. But it is impossible to say that Evan Carroll was lucky: he captured on camera as a nurse shark attacked his wife writes The Daily Mail.

Usually, nurse sharks living in the Atlantic and Eastern Pacific oceans do not attack humans. They live at a decent depth - about 100-130 meters - and bypass a person if they are not touched. According to experts, the attacks that were recorded were most often the fault of the swimmers themselves.

Newlyweds spent their honeymoon in the Bahamas when an unpleasant incident occurred. Fortunately, Sarah Illig almost did not suffer. She decided that her husband grabbed her hand, but felt a sharp pain, turned around and saw a huge shark. The girl pulled out a hand, which, surprisingly, remained intact. As Sarah says, she did not disturb the shark, and wondered why she decided to attack.

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