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Americans condemn couples with different surnames


Source: New York Post

“What's in my name for you?” Pushkin asked back in the nineteenth century. And yet the name has a very big meaning, say experts from the University of Nevada. A study conducted by experts in the United States showed that the attitude towards a married couple can be influenced by the fact whether the wife took her husband's surname after the wedding. New York Post.


Study author Rachel Robnett, a professor of psychology at the University of Nevada, published a press release that said: “We found that people pay attention to the fact of the choice of a married name in order to draw more general conclusions about the personality traits of a particular representative. floor ”.

Scientists conducted three series of studies related to the topic of such an attitude. In the most recent, published in the journal Springer, experts emphasized that if a woman decides to keep her surname after the wedding and not take her husband's name, people perceive her spouse as less masculine and more feminine. The same women, on the other hand, are perceived as more powerful and self-focused, ambitious and assertive, says the study.

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