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Alginate masks: what it is and to whom they are contraindicated


Source: New York Post

Alginate masks appeared on the shelves of cosmetic supermarkets and in the salons quite recently regarding other cosmetics and personal care products, but they caused unprecedented interest.

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They are credited with miraculous properties - and that is why many women treat alginate masks with skepticism and disbelief, writes Rambler.

Alginate acid, which is the main component of alginate masks, is extremely similar in its effect on hyaluronic acid - it also moisturizes and smoothes fine facial wrinkles. In addition, alginates help slightly desaturize post-acne and pigmentation, which can occur due to various reasons. Also alginate masks are extremely good in giving tone to the skin, and it is they who can help you to achieve that very “natural radiance from the inside”. And you should not treat these words with distrust - all this is due to the chemical properties of alginate masks, which, again, came to us from the chemical industry and firmly won their place in the hearts of cosmetologists and their patients.

What are alginates? Returning to the course of chemistry

Alginates are polysaccharides. What are polysaccharides? In fact, these are biopolymers designed from variously linked monosaccharides. What are monosaccharides? Fortunately, they are well known to you - glucose, fructose and other compounds. Monosaccharides dissolve easily in water and have a sweetish aftertaste. Polysaccharides like cellulose, hyaluronic acid, carrageenan, agar, the previously mentioned alginate and alginic acid are extremely cheap and easy to obtain. They do not smell, which is also an undoubted advantage in using them in cosmetics.
Alginate (alginic acid) is harvested from brown algae.

Unfortunately, the algae used to produce alginates cannot be grown in captivity, since a sufficiently long time must pass — several generations must be replaced so that the algae can be used to produce alginates. The only type of algae that is artificially grown is Japanese kelp, which, in addition to the extremely popular product, is also used in China for alginates.

Slightly different types of alginates are extracted from different types of algae, some may result in extremely thick, transparent alginate gel as a result of processing, some will have a white or cream color. In cosmetics, alginate is mainly used, extracted from kelp. Alginic acid, produced by the bacteria Azotobacter, is used mainly in medicine to create casts. Initially, “raw” product is extracted from algae - alginate salt, sodium alginate, from which alginate acid is already released.

Alginic acid is not soluble in water, unlike the monosaccharides of which it consists, but is extremely gyroscopic due to its structure and molecular weight, which is quite large. Due to this, it "attracts" a huge amount of water to the place of its application and "binds" it, which results in extremely strong moisturizing for your skin.

How to apply them?

Alginate masks are available in two forms - gel and powder. Gel alginates resemble ordinary masks, except that they have a structure that looks more like jelly than a cream mask. They need to be kept on the face of 15-20 minutes. Gel alginate masks do not freeze, and they should be washed off the face with plain water.

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Powder alginate masks, in turn, have a more complex application process. They are supplied, as you might have guessed, in the form of a powder that needs to be mixed with water. This should be done extremely quickly - after about five minutes the mixture will harden and turn into a mass resembling rubber. A frozen alginate mask cannot be reused, so be extremely careful. It can be applied as you like, but the easiest way to do this is with a wooden spatula.

If the composition does not contain a large amount of essential oils or other ingredients that can damage the lips and the area under the eyes, it can be applied to them. The mask should be held on the face 15-30 minutes before full hardening and plasticization - turning the mass into a dense captivity. It is removed very easily - it hooks and easily comes off one layer from your skin. When asked how often alginate masks should be used, the answer is simple - you can do one or two a week, or you can choose an everyday course on 14-15 days. It all depends on the product and on what ingredients besides alginates are contained in the mask.

So what are the effects of alginate masks on the skin?

Due to its gyroscopic properties, alginates moisturize the skin extremely well. Due to the lifting effect, which causes the alginate mask to freeze on the face in the form of a film (this applies only to the powder versions of alginate masks), the skin appears more taut. In addition to smoothing small facial wrinkles due to lifting, this is also due to moisture. Alginic acid helps to get rid of pigmentation and post-acne. Also, any serum will be much more effective to penetrate the skin if you apply it for 5-7 minutes before applying the alginate mask on your face.

Do alginate masks have any contraindications?

Not. Alginic acid in no way worsens the condition of your skin, whatever it may be. The only contraindication is individual intolerance to any ingredient that you should know in advance.

Summing up, it is worth saying the following: alginate masks are not something to be afraid of. Although they may seem and feel strange and unusual, their effectiveness is worth a try. The main thing - carefully read the composition and apply them in accordance with the instructions.

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