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Alexander Litvin commented on The Last Hero's Curse

Alexander Litvin

researcher, pharmacist


The search for a mystical component around the popular in the past reality show "The Last Hero" began after the tragic death of the singer Yulia Nachalova. The press drew attention to the fact that the artist was already the fourth in a row of project participants who tragically passed away earlier than they should have. Among them are rapper Kirill Tolmatsky, Zhanna Friske, who died of cancer, as well as the winner of the fourth season of the show, Yana Volkova. Many media outlets quoted Alexander Lytvin in this regard, but incorrectly. Say Litvin, after the death of Nachalova, refused to participate in the last hero. He turned it down last year. It's just a loud but incorrect headline. In his blog for Woman ForumDaily, Alexander Lytvyn, a researcher in the field of gravitational biology, commented on rumors of a curse that “hung” over the participants of the popular television project.

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Someone started a beautiful curse story, but this is the simplest explanation for the situation. Everything that cannot be explained using the laws of physics is presented as a kind of sacred story. In medical practice, there is such a concept - autoimmune processes. These processes, as a rule, do not have an understandable and clear etiology, and medicine cannot find out the cause of diseases. In the case of The Last Hero, it can be partly argued that a trip to a desert island triggers autoimmune processes in some participants. But this is only one part of the problem.

The second most important aspect is a decrease in the level of intuitive perception. Intuition is an unconditioned reflex, primarily responsible for safety, and only then for everything else, including genius. Staying in certain territories can significantly change this quality of a person - analytics and interpretation of their feelings.

We are not accustomed to using this way of knowing the world and more often we do not recognize it as legitimate. Now I will not individually analyze the fate of each of the project participants, but I will tell you what unites them.

Without exception, all participants are born in the Northern Hemisphere and have approximately the same seasonal climate rhythm. Everyone is accustomed to a certain angle of the sun above the horizon line, the longitude of the day, the humidity and the ambient temperature.

As an example, I can cite the birch tree, the favorite tree of many Russians. In the summer, it is all green, lush, filled with moisture, pleasing the eye and giving a shadow and (not without it) causing an allergic reaction in some people. In winter, the birch tree is asleep, it is almost dehydrated, and all processes occurring with the plant are slowed down to a minimum. Birch does not grow in winter, does not develop. Hidden and waiting for heat. From September to March. And what will happen to the birch tree if it is taken in the middle of winter and transplanted for a month into more southern latitudes. The sun and rain will do their work, the tree will be filled with life, will be saturated with moisture, the twigs will revive and buds will appear. And at this moment we are again transferring the plant to central Russia. The birch tree begins to ache, the moisture of the southern islands, which has nourished the tree, freezes and tears from the inside.

The same thing happens with people. Untimely travel to the south and, most importantly, untimely return from summer to winter always poses a serious threat to our health and our intuition.

There is no curse, there is an untimely event. In addition, there is one more important characteristic of a person, which must always be taken into account when traveling for a long time. This characteristic is called a favorable geographic direction. People born at a certain time of the year always have a pronounced favorable and unfavorable direction. The analysis of the dates of birth of the participants in the Last Heroes project gives a very clear understanding of who was in danger and who was not.

Back in November last year, I refused to participate in the project for several reasons, and one of them is the danger of southeast energy for my health and my intuition.

At the same time, I recommended to one of the participants (and this was not a “psychic”) to linger on the territory of Southeast Asia after the end of the project until March 5 in order to wait until the spring sun begins to awaken nature in Russia, in particular at latitude Moscow And then the return will be comfortable and safe in all respects. By the way, a person with high intuition voluntarily would not go there, and if he did, he would not be in a hurry to return. Everything must be done in a timely manner!

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