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What plants are dangerous to keep in an apartment: list and photo


Source: Rambler

It is generally accepted that the more plants in an apartment, the better. They create coziness and improve air quality. However, the windowsill in the flowers is not always good. Some plants may be hazardous to health. Rambler tells what flowers you can’t buy in an apartment.

Photo: Shutterstock


Monstera is a tropical plant with large leaves. The flower can grow up to several meters in length. It is often placed in public places.

However, growing a monster in an apartment is not worth it.

Plant juice when burned causes burns and can lead to an upset digestive system. The flower is dangerous for pets who love to chew leaves.

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Photo: Shutterstock

Oleander attracts florists with bright pink flowers. In nature, it grows in warm climates.

But a beautiful-looking plant is actually poisonous. The smell of a flowering plant provokes dizziness and can cause you to feel unwell.

Oleander juice is also hazardous to health. If your pet bites the plant, it will cause severe colic and vomiting.

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Photo: Shutterstock

This plant is often found in apartments. It reduces dust and controls humidity.

However, Dieffenbachia juice is toxic to humans and animals. If it gets on the skin, ulcers can form on it. If it enters the mucous membranes, the juice of the plant can lead to temporary blindness and swelling.

If animals or young children decide to taste Dieffenbachia, it can lead to serious poisoning and even anaphylactic shock.

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