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9 things you can't go on a picnic without


Source: infoHome

When we have an idea to go on a picnic, food is often the main subject of conversation. But at the same time we forget about other important things that can be extremely useful for outdoor recreation.

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Author InfoHome I have prepared for you a small list of things that you will definitely need for a picnic, and which you can use as a reminder.

1. Sunscreen

Because we go on a picnic in the warm season, when the sun is already quite active, do not forget to put the cream on your face and other open areas of the body before you begin to rest. After winter, the skin is particularly exposed to the sun. Even if the sun shines on you through small thickened clouds or through a light mist, at this point your skin can burn.

2. Antibacterial spray or wipes

For me, this is an extremely important thing, without which I will not go outside my house. With the help of a spray, you can not only process your hands after you get to your destination and put all your belongings in place, but also treat tableware and other dishes from germs in the process of rest.

On the subject: Guide to a safe picnic: what products to avoid and what to do if it became bad

3. Insect repellent

I am sure that you do not need an explanation as to why nature requires a protective spray against mosquitoes, but I included it in the list, because This is the most frequently forgotten object, which we recall, being already at the place of rest.

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4. First aid kit

Regardless of where exactly you plan to organize your picnic - within the city or far beyond its borders - the minimum set of medicines and first aid supplies should be with you.

5. Cover

Of course, you never forget about it, but I only want to note that when planning the number of covers for a company, you must remember that for a comfortable rest of one person you need a little less than 3 m².

6. Snake remedy

If you prefer to relax in the wild, away from the bustle of the city, unfortunately, you can expect unpleasant surprises in the form of snakes, which every year in a changing climate is becoming more and more. Of course, in some sources you can see that on the picnic site you need to squeal that there are forces for 15 minutes, after which all the snakes in the district will have ear membranes burst and they will never find you. But, besides the fact that this method is rather doubtful, you can still scare potential neighbors who have come, like you, to enjoy the silence. I suggest you get a rope from 100% sheep wool. The rope is needed so long that you can completely surround the picnic area with it. Believe me, with this rope you are not afraid of any snakes, scorpions, lizards and other creeping. Sheep wool repels reptiles better than the most expensive repellents.

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7. Garbage bags

Take care of the ecology and treat with respect to people who will come to rest after you. First of all, put yourself in their place and ask the question: "Is it pleasant to me to clean up someone else's garbage?" I think the answer is obvious.

On the subject: 15 useful tricks for a picnic and outdoor recreation

8. Coolers

For me, this is a very useful thing, especially at a picnic, when there is no refrigerator nearby. On the eve of departure to nature, send the coolers in the freezer. During the day, you can cover them with mayonnaise, greens and other products that can be spoiled by heat.

9. How to entertain yourself?

When the list of products and necessary things is compiled, do not forget to take care of what you will do during the day.

The process of cooking kebabs, fishing or setting up a tent, of course, can be very exciting, but not for everyone. So think, what games, books, crosswords or other activities can complement your leisure.

I am sure that everyone who reads this list of useful items for a picnic will keep it as an excellent memo. I really tried to include in it all the things we can forget about at the training camp, but about the absence of which we will later regret the whole day of leisure.

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