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Nine dangerous home remedies for colds


Source: Clever

With the onset of cold weather, residents of large cities begin to get sick en masse, mainly from colds, writes Clever.

Photo: Shutterstock

Many immediately run to the pharmacy to buy a bunch of drugs that are as expensive as they are useless - and this is even the best case. At worst, they begin to remember grandmother's advice and are treated with so-called folk remedies.

Do not breathe hot steam

As soon as you catch a cold, you are immediately offered to breathe in the steam of freshly boiled potatoes, covering your head with a blanket and leaning as low as possible over the hot pot. Zero benefits, but you will almost certainly get a tracheal burn!

Do not drink hot tea or milk.

The most famous remedy that we inherited from grandmothers is hot tea with raspberries or honey, as well as milk with soda or butter. Immediately - no! Drinking plenty of fluids makes coughing and sputum production easier, which removes viruses and toxins from the body. But hot liquids are strictly contraindicated! Not only do you risk burning your mouth and throat, but even tea or milk, in which you dissolve honey, destroy its healing properties. Sugar from sweet tea, deposited on the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat, serves as a favorable environment for viruses.

Do not attempt to lower the temperature by wrapping.

Yes, at the first sign of a cold, they try to put the patient to bed, wrap it in a blanket, cover it with a blanket on top, and tie a scarf around the throat. Do not under any circumstances repeat this mistake! You will disrupt the process of natural thermoregulation of the body, which occurs even in a state of illness, and instead of lowering the temperature, you will only aggravate the patient's condition.

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Eliminate alcohol

A glass of vodka with pepper is another “popular” folk remedy for treating colds. Having received a dose of a strong drink, and even with a spice that causes increased secretion of sputum, you can experience temporary relief. You will sweat, you will be able to blow your nose from the heart and for some time even the cough will stop. However, in just a few minutes the fever will increase and the condition will worsen - again, due to a violation of the thermoregulation process. In addition, alcohol forces the body to work at the limit of its capabilities.

Do not put banks, mustard plasters and leeches

The method that was once considered a panacea and was used everywhere, leave in the past. Otherwise, you risk banks to damage blood vessels, burn skin with mustard plasters, or carry a dangerous infection with leeches. There will definitely be no positive effect.

Do not bury the mixture with onion juice.

Another extremely harmful remedy periodically used by lovers of "traditional medicine" for colds is the instillation of pure onion juice in the nose in combination with vegetable oil or beetroot juice. A burn of the mucous membrane is guaranteed!

Rubbing with vinegar or vodka

Many are sure that vigorous rubbing the body with pure vodka, vinegar or even alcohol helps lower the temperature, and they use this tool even for children. In no case do this! A direct consequence of this manipulation is the poisoning of the body, into which these active fluids enter through the pores. Not to mention that, at best, the temperature will drop by a few minutes, during which the body will not be wrapped in a blanket.

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Rinse for colds can cause harm

Yes, doctors do not recommend that people have a throat with a solution of salt and iodine for colds and sore throat, as we used to do. At best, you can rinse the mouth and teeth, which is harmful to the saline. Getting active solution on the mucous throat is dangerous!

What to do

First, experienced doctors with a cold that have begun are advised to recall a saying that has become anecdotal: if a cold is treated, it will go away in a week, and if not treated, in seven days. Many years of practical experience of clinical doctors give reason to assert: in this saying - the whole truth of life.

Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of the Highest Category, Chief Physician of the City Clinical Hospital No. 71 Alexander Myasnikov states: “A viral disease is a disease that is limited in itself. Whether you treat it or not treat it, the course of the disease will not become shorter. All that remains is to fight the symptoms and wait for it to pass by itself. The temperature is high - we knock it down. Nausea - we take antiemetic. Vomits - we drink more liquid. Typically, a common infection will clear up on its own within one to two weeks. You just have to lie down, drink a lot of warm drink and wait. Everything will go away by itself without medication, and even more so without antibiotics. "

And finally: remember that self-medication can do you much more harm than viruses, coughing and sneezing. Be healthy!

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