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8 reasons not to refuse coffee


Source: Today

Фото: Depositphotos

Public opinion insists that coffee is a dangerous product for health, and people are in a hurry to give up this aromatic drink, which gives vigor and strength for the whole day. Few people know that coffee is the only product in nature, which contains 120 substances useful for our health, vitamins, minerals and valuable trace elements.

The main thing is to remember that coffee retains its useful properties only for 180 days after roasting. Therefore, when buying coffee, be sure to look at the date of manufacture on the package. Then store the coffee in a tightly closed tin or glass jar in the refrigerator, so that the unique aroma will last longer.

What is useful coffee?

Caffeine is a well-known alkaloid that tones the central nervous system and stimulates the heart. The tonic effect of coffee leads to an improvement in mental and physical performance, a decrease in fatigue and drowsiness. The smell of coffee alone is enough to wake you up.

Remember that caffeine is not only in coffee, but also in black and green tea, as well as in cocoa and mate.

Trigonelin - promotes vasodilation and improves carbohydrate metabolism.

Acids - malic, citric, acetic, coffee, pyruvic in the composition of coffee enhance the secretion of gastric juice and accelerate digestion. Panthenolic acid strengthens the walls of blood vessels, chlorine and nicotinic acid - they resist the reproduction of microbes such as streptococcus, which cause caries.

Calorie content - if you like coffee without sugar, then you will never get fat from coffee. There are only 2 kcal in a cup of espresso!

Polyphenols - These antioxidants found in a cup of coffee fight for our youth by destroying free radicals. Plus, there are 4 times more polyphenols in a cup of coffee than tea.

Antihistamine effect - coffee helps the body to resist allergies.

Minerals - there is a complete set of them in coffee - sulfates, phosphates, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron.

Vitamins - coffee contains all the B vitamins - B1, B2, B3, B6, B12.

The main thing is to keep a sense of proportion and do not abuse.

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