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7 secrets of the first ladies of the United States: what was hidden behind their ideal images



First ladies aren't always role models. What "skeletons in the closet" were hidden by the wives of US presidents, says

Screenshot: British Pathé / YouTube

The first ladies speak and look perfect. There is not a single dark speck on their reputation. But what were the wives of US presidents really hiding?

Nancy Reagan consulted an astrologer

Screenshot: Reagan Library / YouTube

Ronald Reagan's wife (President of the United States from 1981 to 1989)

Nancy Reagan was not only a wife, but one of Ronald's closest advisors. True, in her decisions she often relied not on common sense, but on ... stars. It was rumored that Nancy was seriously interested in astrology after the attempt on her husband. Since then, she has visited such specialists with enviable regularity.

According to some reports, she also had a permanent astrologer, who not only marked favorable and not very favorable days on the calendar, but also advised whether it was worth planning public speeches and negotiating with foreign powers on the scheduled date.

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When information about the first lady's infatuation was leaked and made public, Nancy became the target of ridicule. She was remembered for her love for astrology for a very long time, but even after many years Reagan did not admit how many decisions she made based on the position of the heavenly bodies in the sky.

Betty Ford was treated for alcoholism

Screenshot: CBS / YouTube

Gerald Ford's wife (President of the United States from 1974 to 1977)

Betty Ford caused a toothache among her husband's party members even during his election campaign. Still would! Ford married a divorced woman (Betty's first marriage with a childhood friend lasted only two years - her husband constantly changed jobs, did not bring money to the house and liked to drink), and even dances part-time for bread and butter! But this was not the first lady's main flaw. She was seriously addicted to alcohol.

Only many years later did Betty manage to confess to herself and begin treatment. Now Mrs. Ford is remembered not only as the first lady, but also as the founder of the Rehabilitation Center for people suffering from alcohol and drug addiction. Betty helped people defeat what she once faced herself.

Jackie Kennedy was a heavy smoker

Screenshot: Ina Histoire / YouTube

John F. Kennedy's wife (President of the United States from 1961 to 1963)

Jackie Kennedy smoked, like any advanced woman in those days. Then it seemed to everyone that cigarettes helped to fight overweight, relieve stress and give the lady some sophistication (it's good that the doctors had already proved the opposite, and we also advise against repeating Kennedy's experience!). Despite this, the first lady did not advertise her bad habit. Photographers were forbidden to take pictures of her smoking, and journalists were forbidden to write about this fact in the newspapers.

Edith Wilson ruled the country instead of her husband

Screenshot: CriticalPast / YouTube

Woodrow Wilson's wife (President of the United States from 1913 to 1921)

This first lady had enough of the power that ended up in her hands thanks to the status of the president's wife. But when Woodrow Wilson suffered a stroke in 1919, she decided she couldn't help but step in. While her husband was recovering from an illness, his faithful wife did not allow anyone to come to his bedroom, not even the vice president. Historians believe that at this time it was she who ruled the country.

Helen Herron Taft re-learned to speak after a stroke

Wife of William Howard Taft (President of the United States from 1909 to 1913)

In the spring of 1909, the first lady abruptly canceled all her public appearances. Nobody understood what the reason was. Only many years later it was revealed that Helen had suffered a stroke, as a result of which she lost the ability to speak. Four sisters helped her return to her duties as First Lady Helen, who spent many hours of training with her.

On the subject: Nancy Reagan and Raisa Gorbacheva: why the first lady of the USA could not stand the first lady of the USSR

Florence Harding did not adhere to Prohibition

Screenshot: presladies / YouTube

Warren Harding's wife (President of the United States from 1921 to 1923)

There was prohibition throughout the country, and only a few, including the president's family, ignored the ban. Later, information appeared in the press about the meetings of Mr. Harding and his friends. In them, Florence portrayed a bartender who offers cocktails with alcohol from the president's private reserves.

Mary Todd Lincoln was a shopaholic

Abraham Lincoln's wife (President of the United States from 1861 to 1865)

Mary came from a noble and very wealthy family in which women never counted money. During the presidency of her spouse, Todd did not cheat on herself in her love of luxury. True, at some point, her inclinations nearly turned Lincoln into bankruptcy. When it became known about the spending of the first lady, a scandal began. Mary explained that in this way she only supported the lifestyle that befits a family of this level.

The original column is published on the website.

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