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7 simple tips to help you go to the beach without embarrassment



The beach season is getting closer, and the desire to show itself in all its glory - more and more. We help to get together in an emergency deadline, without making much effort.

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Keep moisturizing

In the hot season, moisturizing the skin should not less than at any other time, writes And if at the very least we remember about the face, then we often forget about the neck, decollete and hands. Perform useful rituals at least before bedtime, and as an ally you should choose natural moisturizing ingredients - oatmeal milk, peach oil, sea buckthorn.

Get rid of acne on the back and buttocks

If the rash bothers you in the back, then it's time to use heavy artillery. Take up the gel for washing with salicylic acid, put it on 10 minutes (the acid takes time to begin to act effectively) and wash everything in the shower. By the way, for the back (and the rest of the body) you can easily use your favorite face product.
Acne on the buttocks is a bit more complicated (and more delicate). They appear because of platitudes - the skin does not breathe, it is covered with sweat, so that’s your rash. Down with synthetics and things that tighten skin (at least 1-2 weeks before the holidays) and long live antiseptics.

Scrub the skin

Removing anything unnecessary from the skin is also a way not to cause inflammation, and to prepare the skin for taking the sun's rays. Means with fruit and glycolic acids and grapefruit will come to the rescue - use them a day before the beach. And vitamin E in the composition also saves the skin from aggressive external factors (and after scrub, it becomes especially tender).

Review your diet to the beach

Strict diet - the choice is not for everyone. You can relieve yourself of the task without completely revising your menu, but by abolishing alcohol, jelly and gluten-containing products 5 days before leaving the beach They contribute to bloating. But chili can be added to food - according to research by American nutritionists, it can quickly burn calories.

Shine on

Comments are unnecessary - the models would not add shine to the photo shoots if it were not sexy. Dry oils are good because they are quickly absorbed, do not leave behind a film and, of course, moisturize well. Coconut oil and shea butter products also nourish and give a natural glow.

Sign up for a massage

If there is no time, energy or desire for an active sport, go for a massage. Sedentary lifestyle leads to the fact that the fluid stagnates in the legs and thighs, and this also threatens with fat deposits. A massage just contributes to the normal circulation of fluids in the body.

Take a bath with salt

The simplest way to detox is to take a bath with crystalline salt (it costs about half an hour to be in it). This ensures a loss of about two and a half centimeters. True, the effect will last 48 hours. So it makes sense to repeat this procedure.

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