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7 products that you need to eat in the fall, so as not to get sick in the winter


ForumDaily Woman

One of the most beautiful and yet most unpleasant seasons has begun - welcome to the world of handkerchiefs, cough syrups and cold pills. I don’t want to, right? It's time to take care of immunity now so as not to get sick either in autumn or winter. Let's talk about products that have a “long-lasting” health-improving effect. Buy and Eat Hurry!

1. Citrus
The immunity booster known to our great-grandmothers: lemons, oranges, limes and grapefruits really contain a high dose of vitamin C, which is necessary for immunity and the body's ability to resist infections. Vitamin C stimulates the production of white blood cells that fight viruses. The body cannot store it, and the vitamin is not completely absorbed from tablets, so citrus fruits should be on your table all year round.


2. Copper
If you are not allergic, honey is just a godsend. Enough two tablespoons a day, and you are not afraid of the disease: honey has bactericidal properties, stimulates the immune system, reduces inflammation. It is important to know that you cannot drink it with hot tea: at temperatures above 60 degrees, the beneficial properties of this product are destroyed, and it turns into a kind of sugar syrup. Add honey to cold sauces and salad dressings, eat from a spoon, mix with warm (not hot) drinks.


3. Garlic
A natural antibiotic, garlic gives food a spicy taste, perfectly strengthens the immune system, has anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties. Yes, few people like the smell, but it is the medicinal properties of garlic that give such an aroma. Eat garlic in the evening, when you no longer need to go out, or just chew parsley or a couple of coffee beans, and there will be no smell.


4. Pumpkin
This queen of autumn, which, in addition to the benefits, is also very tasty. Pumpkin is saturated with plant fiber, beta-carotene, minerals and rare types of vitamins (for example, vitamin T), there are in it more than the usual useful vitamins C, E, PP and almost the full complex of group B. All this together increases the resistance of the immune system to any pathogens .


5. Broccoli
In cooked cabbage broccoli is not less than vitamin C than in oranges and lemons. And one cup of the finished product will saturate you with a daily dose of vitamin K. Broccoli is an excellent source of chromium, fiber, pantothenic and folic acids, vitamin B6, essential for healthy nervous system and strong immunity. It is best to steamed broccoli, so less useful items are lost.


6. Ginger
Excellent immunomodulator with anti-inflammatory effect, which contains more 10 antiviral antimicrobial agents. Ginger literally warms, improves blood circulation, helps to eliminate toxins from the body. It is best to use ginger root: it does not lose nutrients even when brewing boiling water.


7. Spinach
In one cup of cooked spinach a lot of vitamins A and K, manganese, folic acid and magnesium. No wonder it belongs to superfoods, spinach is really very useful and has a beneficial effect on all body functions. As is the case with broccoli, it is best to steam it.


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