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7 rules of life for those who want to take root in America


Source: Womo

Narmina Strishenets, Communications and Strategic Planning Consultant, Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program in the US, talks about how to “take root” in America and realize your own American dream.

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Upon learning that you are a foreign student, Americans immediately begin to sympathetically talk about the cultural shock that you will experience, Narmina notes for Womo.

Photo: WoMo

No, no, this is not a manifestation of disrespect or superiority. Quite the contrary - the recognition that the whole world lives by different rules, and, having arrived in the US, you must also live by the new rules.

The rules that I had to learn during the first week of life in America (I am sure that they will be much more in the future)

1. Americans are simply manic punctual

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This is not an exaggeration. 5-minute delay (I'm afraid to even think about more) plunges everyone in the present rabies. You want to be punctual - come to 5 minutes before the appointed time.

2. Planning, Scheduling

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If you want to make an appointment with a professor, acquaintance, friend - make an appointment in a few days, or even better in a week. Spontaneity is a sign of disorganization and insecurity.

3. USA is a country of individualists

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The whole world should revolve around you, and this is not a sign of self-love and self-centeredness. Emphasize your achievements, praise your experience, knowledge, connections - the more confident you feel, the more respect you will show. For everyone who crossed the threshold of the university, the so-called elevatorpitch should be procured (literally, the presentation in the elevator) - a brief statement about your experience and achievements that you have to tell the person you are interested in for 1-2 minutes - just as much as you go in the elevator . And yes, you learn to speak briefly and to the point.

4. Strike iron without leaving the cash register

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After a working meeting or professional discussion, you have exactly 24 hours to follow-up. The more time has passed since the moment of contact with the person, the less likely that you will be remembered, and your request or proposal will be taken seriously.

5. Decide questions for coffee

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Do not hesitate to make contact with university professors - personal communication is welcome. Want to get on the course, connect to the project, express yourself - call for coffee. The inviting person pays, if you decide to split the “check” in half, they will not understand you. By the way, if you invite guests for your birthday, everyone pays for a treat for himself and for the birthday boy as a gift. It is very profitable.

6. Everyone has their own personal space.

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Friendliness and responsiveness - this is fine, almost everyone with whom you meet your eyes on the street - says hello and asks how you are doing. But do not cross the line and show familiarity - respect the distance and the desire of a person to be in silence.

7. Do not be afraid to ask

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But demonstrate specifics in your question, so that the interlocutor understands that you did independent work, but could not find the answer. Then his participation is perceived as an aid. If you simply want to save your time looking for information at the expense of your interlocutor - this is a sign of disrespect and laziness.

These rules seem to me absolutely fair. It remains to get used to them live.

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